Adjust an entry in the appstarter? menu to pass option to start program using nvidia

Hi - the menu editor dialog there is laid out with three fields together that go in the same order that they typically would in a command line - the environment variables (Umgebungsvariablen) that should be set specifically for running that program, the path to the executable file (Programm), and then the arguments that should be passed to that program (Argumente).

So, if you specifically need to use those exact variables, then you could put them in the environment variables (Umgebungsvariablen) field, and they should be applied to the command line like how you had it written out there.

However, if it’s helpful, there’s also a totally graphical way to handle that! If you go to the advanced options (Erweiterte Einstellungen) and looking for the section labeled “Discrete GPU”, with a single checkbox to “Run with dedicated graphics card” (sorry, I don’t know German so I don’t know the right translation there and can’t see it on my system, but here’s what it looks like on mine):

Checking that box should have the effect of having that application use the dedicated GPU as well.

Hope this helps,