Audio widget menu also resizes widget

On both bazzite and kubuntu, when using the audio widget on the desktop, when clicking the 3 lines for the dropdown menu to change settings, it also tries to resize the widget which interferes with its function

I’m on tumbleweed, but for me, I have to click that button, and hold it for 1 full second, and then it starts a resize.

Are you maybe holding the button in when you click it by mistake?

Definitely not holding it, regardless that menu element isn’t the border so shouldn’t trigger a resize anyway

Click+holding anywhere in the widget puts it in edit mode like this, so that button should do the same.

I’m not holding

I read that the first time, but you argued that the button should not do this, so I showed you why it should.

Hi - for what it’s worth, the behavior I think you’re describing was reported on the KDE Bugtracking System here: 496311 – Large audio volume plasmoid on desktop interprets hamburger menu presses as plasmoid long presses (== plasmoid goes into resize mode)

That was then identified as having the same underlying cause as the following bug: 416909 – Clicking-and-holding anything on a widget (e.g. scrollbar, hamburger menu) enters widget edit mode

It looks like a fix to that one hasn’t been identified or implemented yet - however, you can add yourself to the CC list in Bugzilla to get email notifications whenever new comments are added or the status is changed :slight_smile:

That CC list checkbox is located here - making sure that’s checked, then choosing “Save Changes” will add you:

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thanks! I was just reporting it but all that hamburger stuff wasn’t in my vocabulary LOL definitely same behaviour on 2 different distros so I knew it was a plasma related issue.