Building KSyntaxHighlighting and QString operators

I try to simplify KSyntaxHighlighter build process for my own purpose, and found the following errors during build:

/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/highlightingdata.cpp:144: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘QChar’ and ‘QChar’)
/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/highlightingdata.cpp: In function ‘bool loadRule(const QString&, KSyntaxHighlighting::HighlightingContextData::Rule&, QXmlStreamReader&)’:
/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/highlightingdata.cpp:144:61: error: ambiguous overload for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘QChar’ and ‘QChar’)
  144 |                 initRuleData(, c.toLower() + c.toUpper());
      |                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                          |             |
      |                                                          QChar         QChar
/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/ansihighlighter.cpp:973: error: no match for ‘operator%’ (operand types are ‘QLatin1Char’ and ‘QString’)
/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/ansihighlighter.cpp: In member function ‘QString {anonymous}::DebugSyntaxHighlighter::extractContextName(KSyntaxHighlighting::StateData*) const’:
/home/igor/Work/Tmp/ksyntaxhighlighting/src/ansihighlighter.cpp:973:39: error: no match for ‘operator%’ (operand types are ‘QLatin1Char’ and ‘QString’)
  973 |             label += QLatin1Char('(') % QString::number(stateData->size()) % QLatin1Char(')');
      |                      ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                      |                                 |
      |                      QLatin1Char                       QString

Where are these operators from? Where are they defined and implemented? What does possibly generate these operators?

First one issue solves simply by wrapping first QChar to QString. The second one is because of missing inlcude of QStringBuilder.