"Copy as HTML" absent from #Konsole

Some versions ago (probably about 6 months ago, now) “Copy” used to provide “Copy as HTML” and “Copy as text” as sub-options in the select > right-click context menu in #Konsole.

“Copy” now appears to be its own option. This is frequently problematic for me, because I don’t see any way to choose between whether I want to paste .html or .txt. The “File” > “Save output as” option provides the ability to save as .html, however, so am I merely somehow missing this option?


I don’t remember Konsole (maybe ever) having that extra right-click context menu, are you sure you are not mixing that up with some other terminal, like GNOME’s for example?

Konsole by default copies as HTML (switchable in the Profile settings) then you can choose how to paste it in the application you are using.

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Its true that when copying stuff out of Konsole, Konsole will advertise support for the text/plain clipboard content type as well as text/html, and pasting that into a rich-text supporting application (e.g. a word processor) will take the HTML content.

But I couldn’t find where to configure this behavior - are you sure this is configurable @rockandstone ?

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@rockandstone, definitely konsole. I recall being surprised the day it disappeared — I should have made this post then.

Settings → Edit Profile → Mouse → Copy Options

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@guss77, it’s indeed configurable, in retrospect:

Thank you. I’ll use that workaround from now onward. You’ve saved me much strife. How unintuitive.

17 months ago we’re talking about ~Gear 22.04 , no way this thing was ever there. You can go back many years and still not find it, go to distrosea.com, choose old versions of Debian.

Hmm… I missed that, thanks for point it out.

If you want to directly get at the HTML that Konsole generates, you can use the wl-clipboard tool (on Wayland) like so: wl-paste -t text/html and it will print out the HTML of the clipboard content.

You can even go one further and use the tool to convert the HTML directly to a clipboard entry of type text/plain containing the HTML text like so: wl-paste -t text/html | wl-copy -t text/plain.


@rockandstone, why does that version indicate that? I’ll test Test Debian 10.0.0 KDE online.

@Guss, that’s brilliant. Many thanks.

The only thing you can find there is for 18.04 the addition of what I was talking about:

A new read-only mode and a profile property to toggle copying text as HTML have been added.

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@rockandstone, that’s much too old. I expect that Test Debian 11.0.0 KDE online is too.

I was using an early Rawhide 30s version of Fedora Server, which would have used significantly newer packages than Debian does, so I don’t consider it improbable that something was added and removed before its package selections were decided. Test Fedora Linux 38 KDE online is too new to be useful.

It was never there that’s what I’m telling you :smile:. You can check every version including Kubuntu’s I suppose if you don’t believe the changelog.

@rockandstone, that would be an inordinate amount of effort to perform in a manual, investigative manner.

Not really, Debian 11 and Kubuntu 22.04 fall basically in your 17-month era.

Or you can trust the changelog lol.

Likewise, @rockandstone, I solely see KDE Applications 18.04.0 | Konsole. However, I also used the feature which I refer to so many times that for me to have imagined its existence would be evidence of software-based schizophrenia.

most probably :smile:

Here’s your “Copy as HTML”: :smile:

(replaced the original image with its dark variant - maybe too blinding for some-)

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@rockandstone, I’ll change my FR’s title in case. After all, there was a time when I used GNOME. Thanks.

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to convert the HTML directly to a clipboard entry of type text/plain containing the HTML text like so:
wl-paste -t text/html | wl-copy -t text/plain .

Excellent solution, thank you!

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