I just had Dolphin move its separation line:
I lanched Dolphin:
I then restarted it:
Weird. Because it’s not reproducible, I estimate this isn’t really worth a bug report so I’ll mention it here, in case it’s useful.
I just had Dolphin move its separation line:
I lanched Dolphin:
I then restarted it:
Weird. Because it’s not reproducible, I estimate this isn’t really worth a bug report so I’ll mention it here, in case it’s useful.
I believe it is an issue in your theme.
@meven, I’m using unmodified Breeze (to my knowledge) - /usr/share/color-schemes/BreezeDark.colors
is undermentioned, if of interest:
[ColorEffects:Disabled] Color=56,56,56 ColorAmount=0 ColorEffect=0 ContrastAmount=0.65 ContrastEffect=1 IntensityAmount=0.1 IntensityEffect=2 [ColorEffects:Inactive] ChangeSelectionColor=true Color=112,111,110 ColorAmount=0.025 ColorEffect=2 ContrastAmount=0.1 ContrastEffect=2 Enable=false IntensityAmount=0 IntensityEffect=0 [Colors:Button] BackgroundAlternate=30,87,116 BackgroundNormal=49,54,59 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Complementary] BackgroundAlternate=30,87,116 BackgroundNormal=42,46,50 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Header] BackgroundAlternate=42,46,50 BackgroundNormal=49,54,59 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Header][Inactive] BackgroundAlternate=49,54,59 BackgroundNormal=42,46,50 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Selection] BackgroundAlternate=30,87,116 BackgroundNormal=61,174,233 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=252,252,252 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=253,188,75 ForegroundNegative=176,55,69 ForegroundNeutral=198,92,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=23,104,57 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Tooltip] BackgroundAlternate=42,46,50 BackgroundNormal=49,54,59 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:View] BackgroundAlternate=35,38,41 BackgroundNormal=27,30,32 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [Colors:Window] BackgroundAlternate=49,54,59 BackgroundNormal=42,46,50 DecorationFocus=61,174,233 DecorationHover=61,174,233 ForegroundActive=61,174,233 ForegroundInactive=161,169,177 ForegroundLink=29,153,243 ForegroundNegative=218,68,83 ForegroundNeutral=246,116,0 ForegroundNormal=252,252,252 ForegroundPositive=39,174,96 ForegroundVisited=155,89,182 [General] ColorScheme=BreezeDark Name=Breeze Dark Name[ar]=نسيم داكن Name[az]=Breeze - Tünd Name[bg]=Breeze Тъмен Name[bs]=Breeze tamna Name[ca]=Brisa fosca Name[ca@valencia]=Brisa fosca Name[cs]=Breeze Tmavé Name[da]=Breeze Dark Name[de]=Breeze Dunkel Name[el]=Breeze σκούρο Name[en_GB]=Breeze Dark Name[eo]=Breeze Dark Name[es]=Brisa oscuro Name[et]=Breeze tume Name[eu]=Breeze iluna Name[fi]=Tumma Breeze Name[fr]=Brise sombre Name[gl]=Brisa escura Name[he]=בריזה כהה Name[hi]=ब्रीज़ गहरा Name[hu]=Breeze Dark Name[ia]=Brisa obscure Name[id]=Breeze Gelap Name[is]=Breeze dökkt Name[it]=Brezza scuro Name[ja]=Breeze ダーク Name[ka]=Breeze მუქი Name[ko]=어두운 Breeze Name[lt]=Breeze tamsus Name[lv]=Breeze Dark Name[nb]=Breeze mørk Name[nl]=Breeze Dark Name[nn]=Breeze mørk Name[pa]=ਬਰੀਜ਼ ਗੂੜ੍ਹਾ Name[pl]=Ciemna Bryza Name[pt]=Brisa Escura Name[pt_BR]=Breeze Dark Name[ro]=Briză, întunecat Name[ru]=Breeze, тёмный вариант Name[sk]=Tmavý vánok Name[sl]=Sapica, temna Name[sr]=Поветарац тамни Name[sr@ijekavian]=Поветарац тамни Name[sr@ijekavianlatin]=Povetarac tamni Name[sr@latin]=Povetarac tamni Name[sv]=Breeze mörk Name[tg]=Насими торик Name[tr]=Esinti Koyu Name[uk]=Темна Breeze Name[x-test]=xxBreeze Darkxx Name[zh_CN]=Breeze 微风深色 Name[zh_TW]=Breeze Dark shadeSortColumn=true [KDE] contrast=4 [WM] activeBackground=49,54,59 activeBlend=252,252,252 activeForeground=252,252,252 inactiveBackground=42,46,50 inactiveBlend=161,169,177 inactiveForeground=161,169,177
I don’t know if this is the best topic, but why is there this separation line at first place? It wasn’t there in Plasma 5. Also vertical split has one single line instead of double one
@crossroads, because distinguishing the boundary between the toolbar and tab strip isn’t possible without it.
But it is, ot at least it was
This is Plasma 5 (Dolhpin & Konsole), there’s a line from the bottom point of tab and bellow it
And this is in version 6, with line from top point of tabs
@crossroads, what “is” (or “was”) what? I don’t understand what you intend to demonstrate. Apologies.
Irrespective, what’s your interest in this? Surely the addition of the separator is an improvement, considering that the elements serve separate purposes? Without it, the GUI would be inconsistent.
Sorry, maybe I didn’t explain it well. I just don’t know if this change is planned, or is it related to theme (Breeze) or is it maybe a bug.
Because, for me, previous design, in Plasma5, is better.
Yes, the change is intentional. Yes, it comes from the theme. No, it is not a bug.
I am sorry to hear that you do not like the change. Please keep in mind though that the appearance of Dolphin does not exist in a vacuum. There was a change to have the toolbar areas of all applications in KDE separated from the rest of the application by a line. This change also affected Dolphin.
Overall, I think it looks much better now, but I understand that this might just be my personal preference.
Ok, thank you for information. It’s not like I’m going to stop using it, it’s just that I didn’t know about this change.
@crossroads, the others would know better about this than I, but I don’t think these kinds of visual changes are even put in the changelog. There are a lot of commits for all kinds of myriad modifications each day, and not all are noteworthy enough to explicitly communicate.