Equivalent to "two page scrolling" on Acrobat


I was wondering if there was an option to enable two page scrolling, like Acrobat offers. It consists on displaying side-by-side two pages of the document, and when scrolling with the mouse wheel, both of the presented pages go up, showing the next two. A diagram can be found below:

Page 1 - Page 2 --------> scroll down with wheel --------> Page 3 - Page 4

I am aware that a side-by-side viewing mode can be enabled via the View toolbox.

Yours faithfully,


Hi, welcome. It is called Facing Pages, you can find it under View → View Mode. You can configure your main toolbar (under Settings or by right-clicking the toolbar) and add it there for more convenience.

Dear @rockandstone:

Thank you for your quick response and warm welcome. When I said side-by-side, I meant the Facing Pages option, please, excuse my vague naming.

Nevertheless, I found the option I was looking for. The Two page Scrolling mode equivalent in okular is to enable Facing Pages, as you have mentioned, but also disabling the Continuous View mode.

Yours sincerely,
