Howto solve "unmet dependencies" on KDE Neon?

This not helped to me

Has updated a lot of packages, but broke my system. I cannot login :face_with_peeking_eye:

de març 12 10:12:54 oismarclinux sudo[5338]:  m_serra : TTY=pts/1 ; PWD=/home/m_serra ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/su
de març 12 10:12:54 oismarclinux sudo[5338]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by m_serra(uid=1000)
de març 12 10:12:54 oismarclinux su[5342]: (to root) root on pts/2
de març 12 10:12:54 oismarclinux su[5342]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user root(uid=0) by m_serra(uid=0)
de març 12 10:13:35 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty2.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[3019]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Message received from greeter: Login
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Session "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/bin/startplasma-x11" for VT 1
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] returning.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Authentication for user  "m_serra"  successful
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[3019]: Message received from daemon: LoginSucceeded
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session opened for user m_serra(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd-logind[818]: New session 21 of user m_serra.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[3018]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[3018]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[3018]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session closed for user sddm
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_SUCCESS
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 21 of User m_serra.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-17.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd-logind[818]: Removed session 17.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5372]: pam_kwallet5: final socket path: /run/user/1000/kwallet5.socket
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5373]: pam_kwallet5: could not execute kwalletd from /usr/bin/kwalletd6
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: Writing cookie to "/tmp/xauth_dUMKSm"
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: Starting X11 session: "" "/etc/sddm/Xsession \"/usr/bin/startplasma-x11\""
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Session started true
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session closed for user m_serra
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_close_session
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5369]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 127
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Socket server stopping...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Socket server stopped.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Display server stopping...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopping Session 21 of User m_serra...
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-21.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopped Session 21 of User m_serra.
de març 12 10:13:48 oismarclinux systemd-logind[818]: Removed session 21.
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Display server stopped.
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Running display stop script  QList("/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop")
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Removing display SDDM::Display(0x5e2bb2d237b0) ...
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Adding new display...
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Loaded empty theme configuration
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Xauthority path: "/run/sddm/xauth_iPtQfb"
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Using VT 1
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Display server starting...
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Writing cookie to "/run/sddm/xauth_iPtQfb"
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt1 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_iPtQfb -noreset -displayfd 18
de març 12 10:13:49 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: Xorg: raw io port access is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Setting default cursor
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Running display setup script  "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Display server started.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Socket server starting...
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Socket server started.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: The configured theme "breeze" doesn't exist, using the embedded theme instead
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Loaded empty theme configuration
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Greeter starting...
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=118) by (uid=0)
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: [PAM] returning.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux systemd-logind[818]: New session 22 of user sddm.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 22 of User sddm.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: Writing cookie to "/tmp/xauth_gdGOBd"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-helper[5554]: Starting X11 session: "" "/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-cVofcd"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Greeter session started successfully
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: High-DPI autoscaling Enabled
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Loading theme configuration from "qrc:/theme/theme.conf"
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Connected to the daemon.
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm[2770]: Message received from greeter: Connect
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Loading qrc:/theme/Main.qml...
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/SddmComponents/LayoutBox.qml:35:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/SddmComponents/ComboBox.qml:105:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/SddmComponents/angle-down.png
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/SddmComponents/ComboBox.qml:105:9: QML Image: Cannot open: file:///usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/qml/SddmComponents/angle-down.png
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: qrc:/theme/Main.qml:41:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo(<arguments>) { ... }
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Adding view for "DP-2" QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
de març 12 10:13:51 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[5555]: Message received from daemon: HostName

I cannot recover my desktop

If I choose option 1, nothing happens …

$ sudo pkcon install libdecor-0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0 plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data kio-extras --allow-reinstall
Resolució                              [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. plasma-desktop-4:5.27.10-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build47.amd64 [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. plasma-desktop-4:6.0.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build52.amd64 [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:1
                                       [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. plasma-desktop-data-4:5.27.10-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build47.all [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. plasma-desktop-data-4:6.0.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build52.all [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:1
                                       [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. kio-extras-4:23.08.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build34.amd64 [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. kio-extras-4:24.02.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build39.amd64 [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:1
Consulta                                [=========================]         
Prova dels canvis                       [=========================]         
Finalització                           [=========================]         
Instal·lació                          [=========================]         
Càrrega de la memòria cau             [=========================]         
Finalització                           [=========================]    

If I choose option 2 …

$ sudo pkcon install libdecor-0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0 plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data kio-extras --allow-reinstall
Resolució                              [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. plasma-desktop-4:5.27.10-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build47.amd64 [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. plasma-desktop-4:6.0.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build52.amd64 [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:2
                                       [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. plasma-desktop-data-4:5.27.10-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build47.all [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. plasma-desktop-data-4:6.0.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build52.all [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:2
                                       [=========================]         S'han trobat més d'un paquet que coincideixen amb:
1. kio-extras-4:23.08.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build34.amd64 [auto:user_jammy-jammy-main]
2. kio-extras-4:24.02.0-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build39.amd64 [user_jammy-jammy-main]
Escolliu el paquet correcte:2
Consulta                                [=========================]         
Prova dels canvis                       [=========================]         
Finalització                           [=========================]         
Error greu: The following packages have unmet dependencies:
  kf6-kwallet: Depèn: libgpgmepp6 (>= 1.23.2) but 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 is to be installed
  libappstream5: Depèn: libxmlb2 (>= 0.3.15) but 0.3.6-2build1 is to be installed
  libpoppler134: Depèn: libgpgmepp6 (>= 1.23.2) but 1.16.0-1.2ubuntu4.2 is to be installed

It’s my Office workstation, I need to recover it as soon as possible.

Reinstall KDE neon is my best option?

I strongly urge you not to use KDE Neon on a work computer!!!
I am hoping I get supported by KDE devs in this statement.

I’m using User Edition, not Testing or Unstable.

I’ve been using KDE neon in the office for the past few years without any serious problems. It would be very sad not to be able to use it.

I am saying this for YOUR good.
This could be a good read.

I understand, and thank’s for your words, but I hope KDE devs think different :wink:

Perhaps, “I need to recover it as soon as possible” is a little bit too dramatic. With “I like to recover it as soon as possible” was enought.

I have a laptop (with KDE neon too) beside my workstation (from where I’m writing now and from I can work with no problems). I want (want, like, need, …) to recover my desktop for my own pride :sweat_smile: and to learn more about KDE neon and linux in general.

1 Like

Very similar to my situation. My steps:

  1. resolving the unmet dependecies - with help with the article at itsfoss com (apt-install-specific-version)
  2. sudo pkcon install libdecor-0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0 plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data kio-extras --allow-reinstall
  3. reboot
  4. again sudo pkcon install plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data --allow-reinstall
  5. reboot and Plasma 6 is running
  6. run Discovery updates (nothing new)
  7. kinfocenter was not working, so “sudo pkcon install kinfocenter” and everything seems to work fine on version 6.0.2
1 Like

Thank’s @Dyky_Dykyty with your tips, I was able to make some progress… now the login screen appears with the SDDM original theme, not the default theme like yesterday.

What I did:

sudo apt install libgpgmepp6=1.23.2-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build6 libxmlb2=0.3.15-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build6 libgpgme11=1.23.2-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build6
sudo pkcon install libdecor-0-0 libsdl2-2.0-0 plasma-desktop plasma-desktop-data --allow-reinstall

But I’m still not able to access to my desktop. After enter my credentials, login screen appears again.

On journalctl I see (with X11)…

de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[1644]: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml:241:17 Parameter "username" is not declared. Injection of parameters into signal handlers is deprecated. Use JavaScript functions with formal parameters instead.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[1644]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Message received from greeter: Login
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Session "/usr/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/bin/startplasma-x11" for VT 2
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] returning.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Authentication for user  "m_serra"  successful
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[1644]: Message received from daemon: LoginSucceeded
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session opened for user m_serra(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: New session 8 of user m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 8 of User m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1643]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1643]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session closed for user sddm
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1643]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-5.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_SUCCESS
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-5.scope: Consumed 1.230s CPU time.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: Removed session 5.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1915]: pam_kwallet5: final socket path: /run/user/1000/kwallet5.socket
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: Writing cookie to "/tmp/xauth_bOqpZy"
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: Starting X11 session: "" "/etc/sddm/Xsession \"/usr/bin/startplasma-x11\""
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Session started true
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[1766]: [session uid=1000 pid=1766] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.portal.IBus' requested by ':1.6' (uid=1000 pid=2061 comm="/usr/bin/ibus-daemon --daemonize --xim " label="unconfined")
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[1766]: [session uid=1000 pid=1766] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.portal.IBus'
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux startplasma-x11[1917]: The desktop entry file "/home/m_serra/Insync/XXXXX/Google Drive/utilitats/linux/local/share/applications/\"$(date.desktop" does not have a "Type=Application" set.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[1766]: [session uid=1000 pid=1766] Activating via systemd: service name='org.a11y.Bus' unit='at-spi-dbus-bus.service' requested by ':1.9' (uid=1000 pid=2066 comm="/usr/libexec/ibus-ui-gtk3 " label="unconfined")
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux startplasma-x11[1917]: ASSERT: "offer.service()->offset() != 0" in file ./src/sycoca/kbuildservicefactory.cpp, line 333
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session closed for user m_serra
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 6
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_close_session
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server stopping...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm-helper[1911]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server stopped.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server stopping...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopping Session 8 of User m_serra...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1751]: Starting Accessibility services bus...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-8.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopped Session 8 of User m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[1766]: [session uid=1000 pid=1766] Successfully activated service 'org.a11y.Bus'
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: Removed session 8.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1751]: Started Accessibility services bus.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-por[1272]: Failed to create settings proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk: Timeout was reached
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[1256]: [session uid=118 pid=1256] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.kde' unit='plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service' requested by ':1.2' (uid=118 pid=1272 comm="/usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal " label="unconfined")
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1245]: Starting Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-portal-kde[2134]: qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-portal-kde[2134]: qt.qpa.plugin: From 6.5.0, xcb-cursor0 or libxcb-cursor0 is needed to load the Qt xcb platform plugin.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-portal-kde[2134]: qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-portal-kde[2134]: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
                                                                Available platform plugins are: xcb, eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, wayland-egl, wayland, offscreen, linuxfb, vkkhrdisplay, vnc.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1245]: plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=6/ABRT
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1245]: plasma-xdg-desktop-portal-kde.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux systemd[1245]: Failed to start Xdg Desktop Portal For KDE.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server stopped.
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running display stop script  QList("/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop")
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Removing display SDDM::Display(0x5de2a0de9230) ...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Adding new display...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Loaded empty theme configuration
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Xauthority path: "/run/sddm/xauth_XLlWhR"
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Using VT 2
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server starting...
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Writing cookie to "/run/sddm/xauth_XLlWhR"
de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_XLlWhR -noreset -displayfd 18
de març 14 10:43:16 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: Xorg: raw io port access is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Setting default cursor
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running display setup script  "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server started.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server starting...
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server started.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter starting...
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: [PAM] returning.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=118) by (uid=0)
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: New session 9 of user sddm.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 9 of User sddm.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: Writing cookie to "/tmp/xauth_vpvmiW"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: Starting X11 session: "" "/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-UiTPkg --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter session started successfully
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: High-DPI autoscaling Enabled
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf"
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Connected to the daemon.
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Message received from greeter: Connect
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Loading file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml...
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                          (Parent is QGuiApplication(0x7ffdce3094c0), parent's thread is QThread(0x578211738bf0), current thread is QThread(0x578211844240)
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                          (Parent is QGuiApplication(0x7ffdce3094c0), parent's thread is QThread(0x578211738bf0), current thread is QThread(0x578211844240)
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:18 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:19 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Adding view for "DP-2" QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
de març 14 10:43:19 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Hunspell dictionary is missing for "ca_ES". Search paths QList("/usr/share/qt6/qtvirtualkeyboard/hunspell", "/usr/share/hunspell", "/usr/share/myspell/dicts")
de març 14 10:43:19 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
de març 14 10:43:19 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Message received from daemon: HostName

With Wayland …

de març 14 10:43:40 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-por[1272]: GError set over the top of a previous GError or uninitialized memory.
                                                         This indicates a bug in someone's code. You must ensure an error is NULL before it's set.
                                                         The overwriting error message was: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.kde: Timeout was reached
de març 14 10:43:40 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-por[1272]: Failed to create settings proxy: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gtk: Timeout was reached
de març 14 10:43:40 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-por[1272]: No skeleton to export
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml:241:17 Parameter "username" is not declared. Injection of parameters into signal handlers is deprecated. Use JavaScript functions with formal parameters instead.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Message received from greeter: Login
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Session "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop" selected, command: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland" for VT 1
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Preparing to converse...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Conversation with 1 messages
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:auth): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_authenticate
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] returning.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Authentication for user  "m_serra"  successful
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2171]: Message received from daemon: LoginSucceeded
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session opened for user m_serra(uid=1000) by (uid=0)
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: New session 10 of user m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session closed for user sddm
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2170]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Auth: sddm-helper exited successfully
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter stopped. SDDM::Auth::HELPER_SUCCESS
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 10 of User m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-9.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-9.scope: Consumed 1.357s CPU time.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_open_session
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: Removed session 9.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2210]: pam_kwallet5: final socket path: /run/user/1000/kwallet5.socket
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: Starting Wayland user session: "/etc/sddm/wayland-session" "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libexec/plasma-dbus-run-session-if-needed /usr/bin/startplasma-wayland"
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2212]: Jumping to VT 1
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2212]: VT mode didn't need to be fixed
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Session started true
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[790]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.locale1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.locale1.service' requested by ':1.71' (uid=1000 pid=2212 comm="/usr/bin/startplasma-wayland " label="unconfined")
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Starting Locale Service...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux dbus-daemon[790]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.locale1'
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Locale Service.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Closing session
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_unix(sddm:session): session closed for user m_serra
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:session): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_close_session
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: pam_kwallet5(sddm:setcred): pam_kwallet5: pam_sm_setcred
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2206]: [PAM] Ended.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Auth: sddm-helper exited with 6
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server stopping...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server stopped.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server stopping...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopping Session 10 of User m_serra...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: session-10.scope: Deactivated successfully.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Stopped Session 10 of User m_serra.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: Removed session 10.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server stopped.
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running display stop script  QList("/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xstop")
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Removing display SDDM::Display(0x5de2a0de7b10) ...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Adding new display...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Loaded empty theme configuration
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Xauthority path: "/run/sddm/xauth_HQrxKe"
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Using VT 2
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server starting...
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Writing cookie to "/run/sddm/xauth_HQrxKe"
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running: /usr/bin/X -nolisten tcp -background none -seat seat0 vt2 -auth /run/sddm/xauth_HQrxKe -noreset -displayfd 18
de març 14 10:43:42 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: Xorg: raw io port access is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Setting default cursor
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Running display setup script  "/usr/share/sddm/scripts/Xsetup"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Display server started.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server starting...
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Socket server started.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter starting...
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: [PAM] Starting...
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: [PAM] Authenticating...
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: [PAM] returning.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: pam_unix(sddm-greeter:session): session opened for user sddm(uid=118) by (uid=0)
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux systemd-logind[841]: New session 11 of user sddm.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux systemd[1]: Started Session 11 of User sddm.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: Writing cookie to "/tmp/xauth_ZtSYMf"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-helper[2328]: Starting X11 session: "" "/usr/bin/sddm-greeter-qt6 --socket /tmp/sddm-:0-MbSRMZ --theme /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Greeter session started successfully
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: High-DPI autoscaling Enabled
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Reading from "/usr/share/wayland-sessions/plasma.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Reading from "/usr/local/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Reading from "/usr/share/xsessions/plasmax11.desktop"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Loading theme configuration from "/usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf"
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Connected to the daemon.
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm[1009]: Message received from greeter: Connect
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Loading file:///usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/Main.qml...
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                          (Parent is QGuiApplication(0x7ffc6af9e500), parent's thread is QThread(0x5ae042637bf0), current thread is QThread(0x5ae0427438a0)
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: QObject: Cannot create children for a parent that is in a different thread.
                                                          (Parent is QGuiApplication(0x7ffc6af9e500), parent's thread is QThread(0x5ae042637bf0), current thread is QThread(0x5ae0427438a0)
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:45 oismarclinux kernel: Lockdown: systemd-logind: hibernation is restricted; see man kernel_lockdown.7
de març 14 10:43:46 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Adding view for "DP-2" QRect(0,0 1920x1080)
de març 14 10:43:46 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Hunspell dictionary is missing for "ca_ES". Search paths QList("/usr/share/qt6/qtvirtualkeyboard/hunspell", "/usr/share/hunspell", "/usr/share/myspell/dicts")
de març 14 10:43:46 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Message received from daemon: Capabilities
de març 14 10:43:46 oismarclinux sddm-greeter-qt6[2329]: Message received from daemon: HostName

I thinkg the clue is in:

de març 14 10:43:15 oismarclinux xdg-desktop-portal-kde[2134]: This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
                                                                Available platform plugins are: xcb, eglfs, minimal, minimalegl, wayland-egl, wayland, offscreen, linuxfb, vkkhrdisplay, vnc.

I reinstalled xdg-desktop-portal-kde with the same results :pensive:

Hello I’m new to KDE Neon and I’m having a lot of problem when i try to update the system.

When i run the command: sudo apt-dist upgrade

I have the following errors:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 breeze : Depends: kde-style-breeze (= 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35) but 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build81 is installed
 kde-config-gtk-style : Depends: libkdecorations2-6 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
                        Depends: libkdecorations2private11 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
 kwin-decoration-oxygen : Depends: libkdecorations2-6 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
 layer-shell-qt : Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (>= 5.27.6) but it is not installed
 libkscreenlocker5 : Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (>= 5.27.6) but it is not installed
 plasma-workspace-wayland : Depends: plasma-workspace (= 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build38) but 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build111 is installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).

And when i run: sudo apt --fix-broken install

I get this errors:

  Added sddm-theme-breeze:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing neon-desktop:amd64 via keep of sddm-theme-breeze:amd64
Investigating (2) breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii K Nb Ib >
Broken breeze:amd64 Depends on kde-style-breeze:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build81 @ii R > (= 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35)
  Removing breeze:amd64 because I can't find kde-style-breeze:amd64
Investigating (2) plasma-integration:amd64 < 6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build68 @ii K Ib >
Broken plasma-integration:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-integration:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-integration:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (2) plasma-workspace:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build111 @iU K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-workspace:amd64 Depends on layer-shell-qt:amd64 < 5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build24 @ii R Nb >
  Considering layer-shell-qt:amd64 3 as a solution to plasma-workspace:amd64 5300
  Added layer-shell-qt:amd64 to the remove list
Broken plasma-workspace:amd64 Depends on plasma-integration:amd64 < 6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build68 @ii R >
  Considering plasma-integration:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-workspace:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-workspace:amd64 rather than change plasma-integration:amd64
Investigating (2) sddm-theme-breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build38 @ii K Ib >
Broken sddm-theme-breeze:amd64 Depends on plasma-workspace:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build111 @iU R NPb >
  Considering plasma-workspace:amd64 5300 as a solution to sddm-theme-breeze:amd64 5198
  Removing sddm-theme-breeze:amd64 rather than change plasma-workspace:amd64
Investigating (2) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 0 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 1
  Added kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (2) kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Nb Ib >
Broken kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 Depends on libkdecorations2-6:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 4:6.1.4)
  Removing kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 because I can't find libkdecorations2-6:amd64
Investigating (3) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (3) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5198
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (3) kinfocenter:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build26 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken kinfocenter:amd64 Depends on plasma-workspace:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build111 @iU R NPb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering plasma-workspace:amd64 5300 as a solution to kinfocenter:amd64 200
  Removing kinfocenter:amd64 rather than change plasma-workspace:amd64
Investigating (3) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 1 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 1
  Removing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 rather than change kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (3) oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 1 as a solution to oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 0
  Removing oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 rather than change plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (4) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (4) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (4) oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 1 as a solution to oxygen:amd64 3
  Added plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing oxygen:amd64 via keep of plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (4) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 1 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3
  Added kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 1 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3
  Added oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64
Investigating (4) kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Nb Ib >
Broken kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 Depends on libkdecorations2-6:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 4:6.1.4)
  Removing kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 because I can't find libkdecorations2-6:amd64
Investigating (5) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (5) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (5) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3
  Removing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 rather than change kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (5) oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 3
  Removing oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 rather than change plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (6) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (6) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (6) oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to oxygen:amd64 3
  Removing oxygen:amd64 rather than change plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (6) kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken kde-style-oxygen:amd64 Depends on oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen:amd64 2
  Removing kde-style-oxygen:amd64 rather than change oxygen:amd64
Investigating (6) liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 1
  Removing liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (6) liboxygenstyle6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyle6:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to liboxygenstyle6:amd64 1
  Removing liboxygenstyle6:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (7) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (7) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (7) kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 Depends on oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 104
  Added oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 via keep of oxygen:amd64
Investigating (7) oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to oxygen:amd64 104
  Added plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing oxygen:amd64 via keep of plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (7) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104
  Added kde-style-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 3 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104
  Added kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 to the remove list
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 3 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104
  Added oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of kde-style-oxygen:amd64
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
  Fixing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 via keep of oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64
Investigating (7) kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Nb Ib >
Broken kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 Depends on libkdecorations2-6:amd64 < none @un H > (>= 4:6.1.4)
  Removing kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 because I can't find libkdecorations2-6:amd64
Investigating (8) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (8) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (8) kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken kde-style-oxygen:amd64 Depends on liboxygenstyle6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering liboxygenstyle6:amd64 3 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen:amd64 104
  Added liboxygenstyle6:amd64 to the remove list
Broken kde-style-oxygen:amd64 Depends on liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 3 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen:amd64 104
  Added liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 to the remove list
  Fixing kde-style-oxygen:amd64 via keep of liboxygenstyle6:amd64
  Fixing kde-style-oxygen:amd64 via keep of liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64
Investigating (8) plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 Depends on kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R Nb > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104
  Removing plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 rather than change kwin-decoration-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (8) oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 104
  Removing oxygen-cursor-theme:amd64 rather than change plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (9) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (9) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (9) oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken oxygen:amd64 Depends on plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to oxygen:amd64 104
  Removing oxygen:amd64 rather than change plasma-theme-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (9) kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken kde-style-oxygen:amd64 Depends on oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen:amd64 104
  Removing kde-style-oxygen:amd64 rather than change oxygen:amd64
Investigating (9) liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 104
  Removing liboxygenstyleconfig6:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (9) liboxygenstyle6:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyle6:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to liboxygenstyle6:amd64 104
  Removing liboxygenstyle6:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen:amd64
Investigating (10) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (10) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (10) kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 Depends on oxygen:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering oxygen:amd64 104 as a solution to kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 104
  Removing kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 rather than change oxygen:amd64
Investigating (10) liboxygenstyle5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyle5:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R > (= 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59)
  Considering kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 104 as a solution to liboxygenstyle5:amd64 1
  Removing liboxygenstyle5:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64
Investigating (10) liboxygenstyleconfig5-5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU K Ib >
Broken liboxygenstyleconfig5-5:amd64 Depends on kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 < 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build59 @iU R >
  Considering kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64 104 as a solution to liboxygenstyleconfig5-5:amd64 1
  Removing liboxygenstyleconfig5-5:amd64 rather than change kde-style-oxygen-qt5:amd64
Investigating (11) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (11) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (12) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (12) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (13) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (13) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (14) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (14) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (15) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (15) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (16) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (16) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (17) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (17) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (18) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (18) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (19) plasma-desktop:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build36 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken plasma-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb > (>= 4:5.14)
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to plasma-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing plasma-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
Investigating (19) neon-desktop:amd64 < 4+p22.04+trelease+git20230628.0955 @ii K NPb Ib >
Broken neon-desktop:amd64 Depends on breeze:amd64 < 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35 @ii R Nb >
  Considering breeze:amd64 5300 as a solution to neon-desktop:amd64 5300
  Removing neon-desktop:amd64 rather than change breeze:amd64
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 breeze : Depends: kde-style-breeze (= 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build35) but 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build81 is installed
 kde-config-gtk-style : Depends: libkdecorations2-6 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
                        Depends: libkdecorations2private11 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
 kwin-decoration-oxygen : Depends: libkdecorations2-6 (>= 4:6.1.4) but it is not installable
 layer-shell-qt : Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (>= 5.27.6) but it is not installed
 libkscreenlocker5 : Depends: liblayershellqtinterface5 (>= 5.27.6) but it is not installed
 plasma-workspace-wayland : Depends: plasma-workspace (= 4:5.27.6-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build38) but 4:6.1.4-0xneon+22.04+jammy+release+build111 is installed
E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.
E: Unable to correct dependencies

The output is too long

Can anyone help?

Also I don’t have held packages