Is there a GUI way to make context menu items in Plasma/Dolphin?

If all you want is to have templates for your Office suite…

In your home folder ( ~/ or /home/yourusername ) you should see a Templates folder. That’s where you’d create new templates usually that appear in the right-click context menu under New File.

On Plasma, there are two requirements to make it show up in the context menu: a file with the format you want the template in, and a .desktop file. You’re right that on other environments you can just dump a file there.

So for example if you need a template for LibreOffice Writer files, you can just create an .odt file inside ~/Templates/, say ~/Templates/writer.odt, then create a minimal desktop file ~/Templates/writer.desktop with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=LibreOffice Writer Template

That should do and isn’t very technical.

Now the thing that’s actually being discussed in this thread would be to create a service menu, a more elaborate context menu option. We have a tutorial for that, but it’s way more technical: Creating Dolphin Service Menus | Developer

I think it’s overkill for what you want to do.

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