Panel freezes at random times while I am working

So I have made some slight progress. I looked into “xdg-desktop-portal-kde” and “xdg-document-portal” and found others having issues with them in the past. One suggestion was to just kill that process. I went ahead and killed:

  • xdg-desktop-portal-kde
  • xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
  • xdg-desktop-portal
  • xdg-document-portal

processes hoping that the panel would resume, but it didn’t. I then found this post how to restart plasma panel where I started trying the commands in the fourth post:

systemctl restart --user plasma-plasmashell

which just seemed to hang in the terminal. So I cancelled that with ctrl + c and tried the second suggestion:

plasmashell --replace

which did replace my frozen panel with a working one.

Now that I have some results I will try to narrow down which processes, if any, are the true culprits next time I get a freeze. Perhaps just running the replace command will get it up and running again. That will be the first test…

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