Persistent Empty Wi-Fi Networks Issue


I am encountering a persistent issue with my Wi-Fi networks on KDE Plasma. Several empty or unnamed Wi-Fi networks continuously appear in the list of available networks, which should not be there. When I run the following command, these networks temporarily disappear:


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sudo ip link set wlan0 down
sudo ip link set wlan0 up

However, after a short time, the empty networks reappear in the list. I have tried restarting NetworkManager and resetting the Wi-Fi connection, but the issue persists.

Could you please help me identify the cause of these phantom networks and suggest a permanent solution to prevent them from showing up?

Thank you for your assistance.

Best regards,
AmirHossein Azimi

Same issue here, came when I updated to plasma-desktop 6.1.5-1. Any idea what is going wrong? I also have “empty” monitors in my Display Settings! It’s as if it is not filtering out unconnected devices anymore!

The same happens on Manjaro and Arch with Plasma 6.1.5

like this right?
Same on openSUSE Tumbleweed KDE 6.1.5

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yes like this

According to what someone posted at another thread about this issue it should probably be resolved in 6.2 which is, officially, just a few days away. (Depending on the Distro this can vary. From my experience Arch, for example, is usually a few more days, but not many, behind.)

We will see.
Edit: Scratch that. Apparently not, have fun a little bit longer. :cry:

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