Plasma 6 clipboard applet not working correctly

So, when I go into settings and click “Never save in history” under the “Non-text selection” I still get files showing up in my clipboard history. I’m not sure if this is a bug or not. Usually they are video files. Text still shows up like it should, but also all the non-text items show. Is this a known issue?

Those are links to files, not actual files. They are considered as text because their MIME type is text/uri-list

After looking into this more, even third party applets work in the same fashion. Wish there was a way around this. Okay, thanks for the info. Is there a way to make the plasma clipboard ignore text/uri-list or would I also lose the ability to keep copied text? Can you tell me what the option in the settings does as I have not been able to figure it out (tried copying video file with option on and off with same results). I was assuming copying something that is not text would not be copied as the entry is called “Non-text selection:”. I’m a bit confused. Thank you for your help.

It actually means image. Currently Klipper can’t be set to ignore text/uri-list.

I see. Well, that is inforunate, but not really that big a deal either. Thank you for clearing that up for me. Okay, going to close this thread now.

Edit: I do not know how to close the post. I marked the previous comment as solution, hope that’s enough.