I would like notifications to stay, not get dismissed automatically. I found a “Hide After” setting in notification section of System Setting but the maximum value can be 120 secs.
if they time out you should still be able to read them by clicking on the bell in the system tray.
Yes but these are important notifications and I want them to not hide till I have read them.
i agree there should be a pinned option for the popup card.
How do I make a feature request ?
i would start with making an acct here
and filing a report… mark it as a feature request.
if you do, post it here and i will comment on it.
Completely agree.
Unfortunately I can’t recall the exact event(s) or Application but I am sure I had occasionally Notifications disappearing without a trace as well.
IMO not necessarily needed that they stay open on the desktop but, without touching them when they were shown, when I tried to check the details (again) the Notification Panel was empty.
Not sure if there is a Notification category that is deemed unimportant or, more likely, they got forcefully removed by the Application itself (against my will and probably not even configurable).
Would be nice to be able to see/revisit all old Notification at least from the current session (kinda temporary Log). But that would probably be/need a feature request.
edit: @skyfishgoo while I was writing
i thought the bell was supposed to hold the notification history, but just tested it and it does not… it only shows what is currently in “popup” status.
so i don’t know what the “add to history” check box does… i also have mine set to 5 sec, but the popup remains much longer than that (say 60 sec).
to test i would add a widget to my desktop an then remove it which triggers a notification… but once the popup times out there is no listing of in under the bell icon.
so i’m now not sure it even keeps a history of your notifications, but i’m sure they are in a log file somewhere.
More as I understand, or would call it a “show in Notification Panel (after timeout)” I have set that “add to history” checkbox for everything including “other Application” in the settings but, apart from the ones that disappeared on me directly, it seems to me more like a “fake” history as some automatically disappears from the Panel as soon as I close the Notification Panel only once or not even get added if I interact with the Desktop one, not a chance for a second look because now they count as already read.
The place where i can read “no unread Notifications” should IMO not be called “(Notification) History”, in a History I maybe want to re-read things.
Or I am mistaken and have not found what is really called Notification history?
that’s what i mean the “show in history” is not helping me because all seem to have access to is “show unread notifications” which is always blank.
perhaps there needs to be a toggle to show “unread or all” notification history so the user can choose.
Do you have control over what is generating the notifications? In which case you could set an expiry of zero.
Are the messages being logged to the journal, you could then watch the journal and potentially raise your own non-expiring notifications.
I have a script that can watch the journal and raise notifications for any that match filter patterns, the expiry time can be set to zero (see GitHub - digitaltrails/jouno: Systemd journal to Freedesktop notifications forwarder. if you’re interested).
I know which app generates the notification. But the app does not provide any way to control the notification. It’s a webapp in electron wrapper.
This feature should be built in (especially useful for apps that don’t provide any settings for customizing notification).
If it is a dbus notification, you could snoop on the bus traffic. For example, dbus-monitor can be used to listen for notifications:
dbus-monitor "interface='org.freedesktop.Notifications'"
Matching rules can be applied - but I’m not familiar with their syntax, so you’d have to research that.
I would like to have some important notifications persistent somewhere in the tray and/or on the screen, but not all, so filtering would be a basic feature. Also, even though they may stay for a while inside the applet and accessible through “the bell icon”, they often disappear right after accessing it, even before being able to read them. This sounds like a bug.
notification is acting differently today than it did the other day.
now i have history showing under the “bell” icon and the bell icon has been changing to different shapes along the way.
starting to wonder if it’s bugged now.
today it showed a bell with " " on each side and when i clicked on it i got this history appearing in the popout.
and it shows a broom now for cleaning… also when i retured to the system tray the bell icon no longer shows the " "
at one point in the last couple of days there was a bell leaning to the right for some reason i could not grok.
Not all notifications will show up under history, especially the low priority ones.
I created a bug report here but looks like this feature will not be implemented.