Strange issue of Konsole disappearing cursor

I am running KDE Plasma 6 on openSUSE Tumbleweed and I am running an application using dotnet in a Konsole window (using the built-in profile) and initially the cursor shows up but disappears as soon as the application messages appear. The issue is that when I close the application which has to be done by CTRL+C more messages appear and the command prompt shows up but there is no cursor shown. Closing the window and re-opening it and the cursor is back OK.

Any ideas as to what is happening? This only happens when I run an application using dotnet! Any other commands and the cursor behaves exactly as expected.


It does seem that this is an issue using dotnet in a Windows command prompt as well so it is dotnet related. The application author has come up with a resolution.


This is not Konsole-specific behavior; replacing it with xterm or another terminal emulator does the same thing. The escape sequence intentionally printed by the dotnet program affects the terminal behavior, such as the command printf '\x1b[?25l'
Execute printf '\x1b[?25h' to restore.