%CPU was created by loading a preset, and is fine (Dial+number)
Temperature was created using the same CPU usage preset, and then changing the sensors to temperatures. But it still displays the CPU usage instead of the temperature, and I don’t see why. Also, how can I have one single temperature instead of the temp for each core. I can select a CPU / [Group] Temperature (°C) but it unfolds as multiple sensors:
for a single cpu temp choose the ALL category and look for ave temp, rather than use the group category (group will just load all of them at one time, as a group).
as for why its still displaying the cpu% you may just need to switch the display style away from your gauge thing, and save it, then switch it back… or just recreate the monitor form scratch rather than try to reuse a preset.
i find it’s easier to use the system monitor application to work out the settings for look and feel, then go and create each sensor from scratch by adding them to the panel or desktop individually.
for a pie chart type gauge you should have 3 sensor boxes
total sensors
text-only sensors
total will show as number on the dial
sensors are what gets depicted in the graphic
and text only is shown in a list under the graphic when you click on it
your steampunk choice there looks like it combines the top two sensors and likely doesn’t work correctly when the units are MHz instead of a %… maybe just use the pie chart one unless you are married to that motif
Now for the Network. It makes out at modem speeds and I’m on FTTH. Unlike other display Steampunk has no way to set a range. Is there a place on my system where I can tinker with it? I found .local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemmonitor.cpuuse/contents/config/faceproperties but it references the steampunk face without giving its location, so I assume this is some standard place?