This Week in Plasma: Feels Like a Good One - KDE Blogs

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in Plasma"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE Plasma and its associated apps like Discover, System Monitor, and more.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

It should be illegal to get people excited for plasma 4.0 when plasma 3.0 isn’t yet released


Nate, would it be possible to add 482222 back onto the 15 minute bugs list? I recall it was there for a while, but was removed after it was thought to be fixed.

Thanks for the plasma news, as usual!

People using top panels are expected to be so elite that this isn’t a problem for them :sunglasses:

Haha, what could be a better start of the day than waking up in the morning and being appreciated as an elite top panel user? :sunglasses: :grin:



Was about to say the same thing!!! Ahahah

Plasma is the only desktop that does, indeed, allow me to use top panel as I want!

with panel on top, global menu button and application title bar I can optimize my workspace and focus on what I’m working on without loosing functionalities!

On System Settings’ Region & Language page, the language chooser sheet now has a search field and responds appropriately to keyboard interactions. (Nate Graham, link)

It’s funny, I was annoyed by the language chooser when I had to use a it few days ago to create bug reports, and wanted to create a bug report.

Wanting to create, or creating, a bug report for something that’s already being fixed is started to be meme for me at this point, keep up the good work KDE contributors!


@Mutchiko : :smile: ehh Plasma6.3 and Plasma 6.4 should it be, but your’ right, i be at Fedora and that with nvidia grafic drivers… and i need fast as possible update to Plasma 6.3… my thoung is at the floor with massive droeeelll… for the next update :wink:

edit: i was with this posting in VBox because news reading and my news is in Win7 (old feelings and everyday coffeeslurpingtime… at mornings) and in the middle of this postwriting had i a freezing screen in in vbox and that posting this posting blind… now is vbox short closed and i had copy the url in plasma 6.2 in the clibbord and have reedit this post for give this info to you too… so a f**** freezing again and i cant open systemsettings, if i have open an NTV-stream out of the window right top side… and can not an other windows… oooohhh i hate this f**** bugs… and not more as 5 Windows in Plasma and this corrupt my work in Plasma totally and i can no more be productivitivity… and i want not speak about my Iconthemes… working on that… bahh forgt it !!!
=> FEDORA, PLLEEEEEAASSEEE MAKE A PLASMAUPDATE !!!, thank you, if you have done…


Yes, quite the same here, unfortunately the global menu is so broken on Wayland. )-:

The new post formatting with changes grouped by version is very convenient. It’s much easier to read now, thank you!


Is it? I have been using the global menu in panel for the past few months on Wayland.
Sometimes it gets stuck and still shows the menu of the previous app when I switch focus to i.e. Firefox, which is no Qt.
Aside from this, it’s good.

yeah… in not in great shape.

I use it under wayland as well. It functions, but it’s not optimal.

Firefox, for example, has no global menu, Kate goes the same path…

however others like libreoffice work flawlessly (thank you for this one KDE Devs)…

it better than nothing, surely, but it could be in better shape!

I gotta say, seeing my name mentioned here for the first time made me feel a sense of pride!


It’s fun, isn’t it? I think this week was my first time as the first entry in the post.