Unable to login to Kubuntu after not using for a while and my theme is gone

I can’t login after not using Kubuntu for a couple of months. I’ve done everything I could. In recovery mode I updated all packages, ran tests, everything. I can’t log in to my desktop and when I head into the login console I have no idea how my username is spelled.

Hi! I haven’t experienced that issue myself, but it looks related to the issue at this link - just to check, have you already tried the suggested solution there? Kubuntu shows error at login (file:///usr/share/sddm//themes/breeze/Main.qml:No such file or directory) - Ask Ubuntu

The steps referenced are the commands:

apt-get install sddm-theme-breeze
apt-get install --reinstall plasma-desktop 

I expect that will fix it ^^

It looks like somehow you’ve managed to get in a situation where the distro-provided theme files have gone missing, oops. There are many ways this could have happened, but none of them would be caused by KDE software.

It’s issues like this that have me looking forward to a future where more people are using Immutable OS distros :slight_smile: