Accents in KDE on X11

The accents in KDE/Qt ARE NOT working on X11
The accents in KDE/Qt are working on Wayland.
On Gnome/GTK it’s working perfectly (both X11 and Wayland)
KDE6, my keyboard is abnt2 model, NVIDIA proprietary drivers and ArchLinux

Any idea what might be going on?

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Could you be a little more specific? In what language are the accents not working? Which application? Is it a KDE/Qt application? Or it doesn’t matter?

I’m asking because I often write Greek and accents work in my case as expected. However from time to time I can’t type accents in reddit (I have to use the markdown editor to correctly type accent when it happens), but I guess this is a reddit issue.

Hi, like theses character : áàâã éèê … any accents.

I have to input the accent then the letter: â = ^ + a .

ALL application for KDE don’t work when I am on X11.

The language is Portuguese(Brazil).

I have the same issue with Greek.

I’m pretty sure it’s not a KDE/Qt issue but rather a configuration issue. But I have no idea what that might be (I now that I’m not very helpful here) :frowning:

As a first step could you please try creating a new user an see if it works there?

The problem appears with other users. As I said r/kde (reddit) the big disappears after a while. As I am talking right now, the bug has disappeared.

The bug might happen if KDE suddenly fallback to UTF (or something) or a font, that does not support characters with special sympols above.

The bug might happen if KDE suddenly fallback to UTF (or something

I’m not sure twhat that means but for me greek accents are working fine with the locale en_US.UTF-8 (I’m in the US and don’t use the el_GR.UTF-8 locale).

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Does Kio Gdrive work for you?