KDE neon Plasma 6.1 screen sharing error in Wayland

Hi, Everyone.

I’ve got an error when using G-Meet and Zoom with wayland. I can’t share/present my entire screen during Meet. It is happened after I updated to Plasma 6.1.

Do you know the solution for this error?


Yeah. I have same problem after upgrade to 6.1. Via chrome i can share only chrome tabs, not whole scree or another window. Same in firefox…

logout and switch on x11 in left bottom of display


I’m running KDE Neon with an Nvidia GPU and also facing the same problem trying to share screens on Wayland using Zoom.

I get a prompt for “Remote control requested” which I’ve never seen before (new Plasma 6.1 feature?).

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Clicking the “Share” button sems to do nothing. Any subsequent attempts will just cause the Remote Desktop icon to pile up in the system tray.


Opening it from the system tray doesn’t provide any other useful info other than the option to “End” the session which also doesn’t seem to do anything since I don’t think it was working in the first place.


(Sorry, had to split it into several posts since it won’t allow me to embed multiple images).

I am having the same issue on KDE Neon.

Very annoying.

I have switched back to X11 to allow me to share screens.

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Thanks emp74ark for sharing your fix. Screensharing now works but it’s still a little buggy for me. I have a dual monitor setup (laptop + monitor) and when screensharing, it doesn’t ask me which screen to share – it just shares both screens with no options to change it :disappointed_relieved:

Guess I’ll have to switch back and forth between Wayland and X11 for the time being…