Konsole 24.05.1 displays icons differently

since konsole 24.05.1 icons like šŸ“‚ šŸ“„ šŸ— šŸ˜€ are displayed as colorful images, previosuly (23.08.5) they were more like drawn outlines of the symbols (donā€™t know, how to describe it properly, hope you understand, what i meanā€¦)

Is it possible to change the display of these icons to the old style? I searched in ā€œEdit current profileā€ but i couldnā€™t find a setting, to get the previous style back.

This is what we call ā€œhicolorā€ vs. ā€œsymbolicā€ icons.

On my system I am running Konsole 24.05.0 and the icons look symbolic. It is generally an icon theme setting - setting my icon theme to ā€œOxygenā€ gets me hicolor icons.

You didnā€™t specify what operating system you use, but it could be a change in the OS defaults. Try changing your icon theme to a symbolic theme.

Iā€™m on gentoo, and my icon theme is Breeze, which didnā€™t change during update.
But I think there is a misunderstanding: I meant text shown/typed inside the console window like seen here:
the icon for executable files is like it was before, but the icons for folders/files where outlinish before and colored in the color of the current output. With these picturish styling, they donā€™t fit right in IMHO.

These are actually UTF8 chars/glyphs/codepoints(?) printed or typed in the terminal. I actually pasted these UTF8 chars in my first post, but they silently got converted as it seemsā€¦

OK. Youā€™ve used the term ā€œiconsā€, then showed a bunch of iconsā€¦ You can see how that is confusing.

If youā€™d have said ā€œemojiā€ or ā€œunicode symbolsā€, it would have been clearer.

The color emojis come from the Noto font package. You didnā€™t specify which operating system you use, but on Neon the emoji font is installed by default as fonts-noto-color-emoji, and is configured to be used by system application using the file /etc/fonts/conf.avail/60-generic.conf.

If you had setup a non-default font in your Konsole profile, and that had mono-colored unicode emojis, maybe that is what you remember using but now you are using a system font without emojis so it falls back to Noto Color Emoji?

Otherwise I donā€™t remember there being a change in how Emojis are shown in Konsole since Plasma 5 - at least on Neon.

Sorry, didnā€™t know what different term to use. For me, they are icons, and I didnā€™t think of that there is a different meaning for ā€œiconsā€ā€¦

My operating system is Linux, (gentoo distribution), and in my Konsole profile, I set the font manually to Hack, canā€™t remember, but I donā€™t think, that I did something else. Hack is still set as font in Konsole, and I assumed that these symbols are included in this font, but I tried with Kate font set to Hack: There the missing glyph (square symbol) is shown for :open_file_folder: and :page_facing_up:, only :building_construction: is shown as symbol. So it seems, actually the first two symbols arenā€™t included in the font, and they are coming from elsewhere. The symbols in Noto Color Emoji actually look like what Iā€™m seeing.
So, now Iā€™m wondering, what I was seeing before. :slight_smile:
I checked the packages, I think could be related (fontforge, hack, noto, noto-emoji), but they were last updated beginning of June, and the symbols definitely only changed this weekend, when I installed plasma6.

So, not sure, what changed, and what/if I can do to get previous behavior backā€¦

The mostly likely cause was that in Plasma 5 the fonts-noto-color-emoji package was not a required dependency and therefor was not installed.

You may have another emoji font package that is installed (several are available including the Emoji One Android or Mozilla variants and Symbola), which is also listed in the font-config as a supported Emoji providing library, but as Noto Color Emoji is of a higher precedence - when it got installed as part of the Plasma 6 upgrade, it took over.

You can try to figure out what other Emoji font package you have installed that is listed in the configuration (some are also listed in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/45-generic.conf - I donā€™t know why there are so many font-config file and what is the exact purpose of each) and edit the font-config to change the priority. You can probably do something by editing your local configuration file at ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf - but weā€™re wading outside of the depth Iā€™m comfortable in, so I can offer no pointers, sorry.

Ok, I checked, and the package media-fonts/noto-emoji, that contains NotoColorEmoji.ttf is already installed longer than last weekend, but it wasnā€™t used obviously.
From the fonts mentioned in /etc/fonts/conf.avail/{45,60}-generic.conf, no other except Noto Color Emoji is and was installed. So itā€™s unclear where the glyphs have been coming fromā€¦
Is it possible to find all fonts, that contain a certain glyph (eg. :open_file_folder:)?

I installed Noto Emoji (without Color) and using this, but i"m still curious, where these glyps were coming from previosuly

So you can run KCharSelect and search for ā€œFolderā€ and then you can go over the list of fonts and see how the system would render this unicode glyphs in each font.

I think it still shows the Noto Color Emoji fallback for fonts that do not actually provide the glyph - for example: Symbola - you get the glyph from the font.

What I found interesting is that Unicde has several ā€œfolder iconsā€:
(Iā€™ll try to paste the glyphs here, but discuss will likely turn them to image icons)

  • U+1F4C1 ā€œFile Folderā€ - :file_folder:
  • U+1F4C2 ā€œOpen File Folderā€ - :open_file_folder:
  • U+1F5BF ā€œBlack Folderā€ - šŸ–æ
  • U+1F5C0 ā€œFolderā€ - šŸ—€
  • U+1F5C1 ā€œOpen Fodlerā€ - šŸ—

Maybe previously youā€™ve used one of the latter unicode code points and now your using the ā€œFile Folderā€ code point - and this is what has changed?

Ok, didnā€™t know that, too.
Turns out, ā€œmyā€ folder is U+1F4C2 (UTF8: f0 9f 93 82)
the programs that outputs this unicode character is GitHub - lsd-rs/lsd: The next gen ls command, which I didnā€™t update since 3 weeks, but the issue is only since a few days. So I guess, thist didnā€™t change.

I searched with KCharSelect, but except of NotoColorEmoji, no font has a glyph for this character (I skipped a few of the uncountable Noto Subfonts, but I would assume, if Noto Serif Tibetan, doesnā€™t have it, neither has Noto Serif Tibetan ExtraBold.

What I noticed is, that, when I install Noto Emoji (without Color) as user font, then all Fonts in KCharSelect display the glyph from this font, but when only Noto Color Emoji is installed, only a replacement sign is displayed for all fonts, except Noto Color Emoji.
Why is the replacement only taken from Noto Emoji and not Noto Color Emoji?
But thatā€™s just a side thing.

I think I will try to setup something with plasma5 without breaking my current system, and maybe I can find out there where the glyph comes fromā€¦

The emoji font can be configured from the profile configuration, on Appearance ā†’ Complex Text Layout ā†’ Emoji Font.

To see which fonts provide some glyph do:

fc-list :charset=1f4c1
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Thank you! I remembered there was something like this, but I couldnā€™t find it so I didnā€™t talk about it.

BTW - I think it is a bit broken: (1) the font configuration button doesnā€™t show the name of the font, just the point size - which for some weird reason is listed as ā€œ-1ptā€ (2) when opening, I only ā€œNoto Color Emojiā€ as an option, even though I also have Symbola installed.