Krusader icons and colors on Plasma V6

Since installing Plasma V6, Krusader has gone AWOL, as far as colors/Icons are concerned.
Think it may be more a problem with the icon pack than anything else, but can’t find where/how to change any icons within Krusader - uses the same icons all the time??
Running in Tumbleweed 20240517 / Plasma V6.0.4 / Krusader 2.8.1

I also have a problem with folder icon inside Krusader both with normal and root privileges

Yep, same issue!
Have gone back to the Breeze light theme…

This has happened in plasma 5 at some point as well. Regardless what fallback icon set ( even the rcc version) you set, it didn’t work. Took some update for that one. Only breeze light worked.
As you can see, custom icon themes are a hit/miss on plasma 5 still.

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It seems Plasma 6.1 fixed the folder icon in Krusader (Qt 5.15.14).

Nope, still have issues - black icons on a black background… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Do you have plasma5-integration and breeze5 packages installed?

Can’t find either of those (specifically), within Yast > Software Management?

Like I said, On plasma 5 I had to use the breeze rcc icon theme as a fallback once. Dunno, worth a try maybe.
Copy the rcc file ( either breeze or breeze dark from /usr/share/icons/breeze/ ) to ~/.local/share/krusader and rename it to icontheme.rcc.
Use that as the fallback theme.

I never used Tumbleweed, you can ask your distro maintainers how they release those packages needed for integrating and theming Qt5 apps inside Plasma 6.

Is "set userdefined icons ( something in english) ticked in krusader settings?

Yes, it is, is there anywhere that details how this works?

Done a search on the whole file system, and there is no reference to ANY rcc files…
Where am I going wrong?? :thinking:

On apt based systems there’s a package called breeze-icon-theme-rcc.
Years ago I couldn’t get the toolbar icons to work on a dark theme. I remember some tip on some forum and he claimed that krusader uses rcc.
Believe it or not, that tip works. Not too long ago I was fiddling with krusader for a topic on this forum and the very same issue reoccured. If you install that package, it’s under both breeze as breeze dark in /usr/share/icons. Just copy it to ~/.local/share/krusader and rename it. Mind you, this works for the toolbar, dunno about the folder icons ( which reset to monochrome at a given size anyway).

Krusader with and without that file:

Unfortunately, can’t find anything similar in Tumbleweed…