Smooth a video clip when lowering speed

Hello, is there any way to smooth out a clip when lowering the speed? The lower speed is set, the lower frames per second also is noticeable. Davincy Resolve can fix this problem, but I can’t afford it. How can I fix this in kdenlive? Any help it will be appreciated.

Hi, and welcome to the forum and community.

What OS and version of Kdenlive are you using? Installed or standalone/appimage?

How did you lower the speed? What are your project settings and clip properties?

Hello, I’m using window 11. What I do is that I select the clip, right click and change speed. Thanks.

Really the only sane way to do this if you know that’s what you’re going to want to do in editing is to shoot your footage with a higher framerate. Then you can slow it down to a more ‘normal’ framerate that’s still high enough to not appear stuttering, and still keep the clarity that the device you shot it with is capable of.

If you really need to retrofit “slow motion” to already minimal framerate video, then you need to interpolate frames, which may or may not give acceptable results depending on the complexity of changes between each of the real frames you have.

Last time I looked for something like this I chose:

But I can’t say I’ve made a habit of using it, when I know I’ll want slow motion I’ll shoot footage appropriate for that right from the start. But that said it would be nice to have this integrated with the time remapping (which iirc was the original author’s intention, but prior to the current time remapping implementation).

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