[Suggestion] Window grid layout improvements

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

Plasma has a very useful feature to use the meta+arrow keys for arranging windows on the screen edges. Furthermore, the relation between we different sides can be changed (so that the left-side aligned windows would be slim, while the right side is large, for example).

very useful for a slim terminal column or a chat application on the right screen edge, for example.

it would be cool if the settings for this window grid (i do not know the proper name) would be persistent after reboot. At the moment, the grid relations are always set to 50:50 instead.

Also, this might make for a cool window setting. An alternate way of specifying window position, so to speak: instead of “X, Y”, one might specify “screen 1, top left”.

What do you think? :slight_smile:

I’m sorry for necro-posting, but I think this is an area of plasma that still needs some improvement.

For context, this functionality has been driving me mad since its inception, and I have just had to work around it ever since.

(And it is not just me: )

That being said, I can absolutely see the appeal of the functionality - especially for people with ultrawide monitors - it’s just not for me. So I would prefer to have an option to enable/disable resizing the tiling grid, or at the very least having a button/shortcut to quickly re-center it. And putting myself in the shoes of someone who actually likes this behaviour, I think it would drive me even more nuts having to move the grid line after every boot. Surely this can’t be the ideal behaviour for anyone…? Right…? :sweat_smile:

But I imagine that what most users actually want in most situations, is to just be able to resize two tiled windows together, and maybe make quick-tiling fill up the empty space on the requested side, and not actually make any “permanent” changes to the grid at all.

But for about a year at this point, I have been desperately avoiding resizing windows at all, expecting the “bug” to just “get fixed in the next update”. Which obviously never happened, so here we are. :sweat_smile: