UX & keyboard shortcuts, and auto-loading off of networked storage

In my opinion, Gwenview has a UX problem with keyboard shortcuts. My main complaint being: why do the left/right keys work on images, but not on videos? I get that seeking through a video does need keyboard shortcuts, but given that the left/right icon buttons are still in the toolbar when viewing a video, I would suggest something like period/comma is used for seeking through a video instead. Also, you cannot change this in the keyboard shortcuts, as the next/previous entries are unpopulated.

I also would like Gwenview to have an option to not try and automatically mount networked storage on startup, though I do not know how possible that would be.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

The default keyboard shortcuts in Glenview for “next image” and “previous image” are Space and Backspace. Support for left/right arrows for doing the same thing is a convenience that is taken over by the video player, where it makes sense that right/left actions operate on the smallest context visible.

I am not familiar with this issue - I don’t think Gwenview has any specific support for remote storage and this sounds like a local system setup. Can you explain the reproduction process in more details?

The default keyboard shortcuts in Glenview for “next image” and “previous image” are Space and Backspace. Support for left/right arrows for doing the same thing is a convenience that is taken over by the video player, where it makes sense that right/left actions operate on the smallest context visible.

I don’t really agree with this. From a UX perspective, all the icons are left/right-based, so why are backspace/space the chosen keys? Especially since they are so far apart from one another? That isn’t to mention that the left/right arrow keys seem to be the standard, though this is just what I can remember from using Windows and trying out GNOME several years ago.

Can you explain the reproduction process in more details?

This is a NFS share being automounted on access by systemd, so it may just be a my-setup thing.

It is your discretion not to agree with the choices made by the app developer. If you feel they should be changed, you are welcome to submit changes in a merge request and I’m sure it will be discussed in an appropriate way.

Gwenview has no visibility into which file system paths are automounted by systemd from a remote share and so it cannot treat those differently. In KDE there is a remote storage access API called KIO that Gwenview integrates and when Gwenview uses KIO to access remote storage then it has some visibility into the fact that the files are on a remote storage and it can change its behavior accordingly - like the setting in Dolphin of not generating thumbnails for files above a certain size in remote storage.

One thing I have discovered, is that these values are all hard-coded, as far as I can tell. Changing these are easy, though they should probably be exposed to the shortcuts, and I do not know how to implement that, as I am unfamiliar with Qt.

There was an attempt to do that, but it was reverted.

You would probably be interested in reading these comments for an explanation on why this wasn’t revisited yet: Add global scope left/right arrow key shortcuts for the view (!137) · Merge requests · Graphics / Gwenview · GitLab

Interesting, as a user I would expect the pan-view shortcuts to be same as the seeking shortcuts when on an image or video respectively. I think something like alt+arrow would fit best in my opinion. Unfortunately, I have frankly no clue on how to solve the bug mentioned in that link.

I don’t know if Qt allows for it, but I might suggest that maybe the shortcuts for browsing vs viewing being separated?
So there is an up/down/left/right browse series of shortcuts, default bound to the arrow keys, and then there is the view next/previous keys, bound to down/right and up/left respectively, and then there are pan/seek shortcuts that are the arrow keys with the alt modifier on them.

I think this is very much possible and sensible. I think I would be in favour of this if someone implemented it like that.

Looks like that bug is caused because of line 1596 in mainwindow.cpp, I wonder if there is a way to tell which view is active? That way, when the browse window is open, we could let it select directories.

I was also in disagreement when I first learned that I could not browse through photos & videos uninterrupted with just my arrow keys. I would like to hear other’s opinions on this as well.

For navigating through video maybe holding shift and arrow keys or using tab to select focus on the video might work better for scrubbing.