My specific case is that I want to port an Icon theme from Gtk to KDE/Plasma (6+) , the theme is Catppuccin icons but the questions could be more general to build/port icon themes.
I tried the theme and encounter some “missing” icons like in the panel where general app icon were pick instead of specific one: audio, buetooth , batterie, wifi had general icon not showing the different state and not rendering correctly (too big). By comparing with another more recent theme with plasma support I could see there were missing symlinks, so I start to add them manually to the icons set in the panel folder.
Then I wonder: Is there a reference of the expected icons (beyond freedesktop ones) in an icon theme for it to work correctly it plasma? (I have read article about freedesktop theme spec and blog post about new plasma 6 icons stuff (symbolic and panel …). Also is there script to add the wanted symlinks?
An other aspect is that I modify places/folder icons to follow accent color then the theme as a lot of different color flavors but no script to change the default symlinks what is the most common way to change those ? Is it themix-gui?
I have little experience with icons theme build, but I want to port this nice theme to KDE/Plasma and wonder if there is help script, or guide (have look into kde wiki). It could go beyond the minimal of the official freedesktop and KDE guidance.