Access Amarok's database

Hi all, how would one go about accessing Amarok’s (3.0.1) internal database? I’m trying to pull some data from it but would like to avoid configuring the “external” MySQL database.

An interesting question. I haven’t tried myself, but I think the directions at Amarok/Community/MySQL - KDE Community Wiki might still be valid: following them up to the mysqldump -S sock amarok > amarok.mysql point should probably get you a normal db dump (or alternatively, I think one can connect to the manually started mysqld/mariadbd with normal mysql/mariadb methods from console instead of running the mysqldump)

EDIT: Tested, seems to work if one leaves the --defaults-file=´pwd´/my.cnf part out & sets proper mysql permissions up somehow.

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Thanks! In my case the directory was ~/.local/share/amarok but theconnection worked just as hoped!

This is the command I used:
mysqld --datadir=`pwd`/mysqle --socket=`pwd`/sock --skip-grant-tables

I did have to stop mariadb first… Even though this is resolved, would it be possible to connect to the amarok db without stopping the existing mariadb service?

Either was, thanks!

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Not a mariadb expert, but I think one could do it if setting manually some custom ports & pid files for the another db server instance

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