Add WebP support to Spectacle

Currently Spectacle supports BMP, CUR, ICO, JPEG, JPG, PBM, PGM, PNG, PPM, XBM, and XPM for file formats. I propose adding WebP support, as well.

The proper place to make to make feature requests where the dev will see them is the kde bugtracker.

But to add to this thread, jxl too would be nice.

Spectacle already supports Webp and JXL. I think you might be missing some package. Maybe qt-imageformats or kimageformats?


Ah yeah, that did it. I just installed the qt6-imageformats and kimageformats packages from the Arch repos. The packages that I had were for Qt5. I suppose this is an Arch packaging issue.

The proper place to make to make feature requests where the dev will see them is the kde bugtracker.

I was told (sh dot itjust dot works/post/18904923) that both here and bugs dot kde dot org (with “wishlist” set the severity in the dropdown) were appropriate. I’m honestly still not sure what the officially desired location for feature requests is. I keep getting conflicting information on the matter.

Discuss is not appropriate to report bugs. is the right place to report bugs always.

Discuss is a place to mention bugs in case you want other users to confirm your issue before reporting or in case you want to give more visibility to a given bug.