Allow removing the vertical "HTML bar" in KMail

There were numerous suggestions to redesign the bar:

Official KDE bug tracker the bug #393421 closed as “intentional” back in 2018. The line is still there, fresh complaints pop-up from time to time on Reddit and StackExchange.

What would be the most productive way to engage with the relevant team and discuss this in a civil manner?

P.S. Apologies for not providing the links, new account.


Yeah what bar needs to go away. Ideally with Wrap message parts content inside iframes (!198) · Merge requests · PIM / PIM Messagelib · GitLab the reason for its existence would go away entirely.

I also proposed an alternative design Replace html status bar by a button (!169) · Merge requests · PIM / PIM Messagelib · GitLab

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Was there any traction after the last comment by Daniel Vrátil on the merge request 169? 11th of April 2024.

P.S. Yes, I still can’t link it due to the forum restrictions.

Unfortunately not, I couldn’t find time and motivation to work on it. We discussed it a bit at the PIM sprint 2 months ago but that’s it.

P.S. I increased your user rights so you should be able to posts links now :wink:

@carl Given that, according to the link, Fedora KDE patched in your proposal already, is there any way to get this for others, e.g. Arch? Short of compiling+patching Kmail myselve?