Amarok 3.0 beta (2.9.82) out now!

The open source android app I use for fetching lyrics on my phone uses a spotify api and has LRClib and netease as additional sources. Those are nice because they offer synced lyrics. Here’s that code in case you’re interested (I don’t know if any of this is useful for you, I’m not a developer):

Thank you for testing!
Text colours: Ok, good to hear.

Lyrics: Ok, good to know. Based on my limited testing, the catalogue of lyrics available through is not extraordinarily extensive: Popular songs by popular artists are mostly found, less popular not so much.
Interestingly, when typing in e.g. “one tender kiss lost season” to search on, a suggestion for the correct song title and artist is shown, but clicking it doesn’t do anything (except 404 Not Found for the XHR in browser console). I didn’t inspect the service much deeper, but apparently it knows more song titles than it knows lyrics for.
But I think it will have to do for now. Longer-term solution will probably be either getting the script system in such shape that lyrics scripts can be used, or some common shared lyric backend system to limit the amount of wheels that need to be reinvented (and tires that need constantly to be fixed).

I think you’re totally right, in Tuon player, I can see the lyrics for that song

But there are missing on

So, Tuon is using another service.

Ok, doesn’t look too bad. I might have a look later [but I hope that someone proficient in the subject gets there first]

Okay, good to know. Clearly some common shared backend would be good

A lot of the fixes needed are explained in Appstream Data fixes (#28) · Issues · Teams / Flathub / Issues · GitLab

Okey-dokey, pushed the required appstream data fixes to master. (Couldn’t test locally yet with flatpak-builder-lint as I don’t have the requirements set up, though)

I used to use Amarok many years ago, then when it got abandoned switched to its fork Clementine and now I’m using its current fork Strawberry. What would be the difference in the end between Strawberry and a revived Amarok?

It’s “exciting” to have Amarok back.

Strawberry is a fork (of a fork) of Amarok 1.4.

The revived Amarok is a continuation of Amarok 2, which has a completely different, more customizable UI (You can approximate Strawberry’s UI in Amarok 2, but the other way around is impossible), and different features (I don’t have the beta installed, so I can’t check right now, but I recall Amarok 2’s Playlist Generator and Dynamic Playlists being far more powerful than what Strawberry provides).

There were also a bunch of cool widgets in the context panel which have no equivalent features in Strawberry. tags (which also created links to your song library), the artist’s Wikipedia page, or upcoming gigs from the band you’re listening to, to name a few. I know most of those features would have to be at least partially rewritten, but they were really nice.

I know Amarok 2 has a bit of a bad rap, but it’s mostly based on the early version, which, like the early versions of Plasma 4, were frankly rough, but in time it grew into my favorite music player.

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The reason I got disillusioned with Amarok 2 back in the day was that the devs declared ID3 tag edits of multiple selected tracks as out of scope. Reducing Amarok from a music management app to a mere music consumption app. Yes, there is Kid3 as an app focused purely on the editing experience, but Amarok 1.4 embedded this so nicely into my actual music listening experience and the removal of this feature put a real bumper in my love for Amarok that I never quite recovered from.

Ok, I have final UI code changes before 3.0 pending merge.

As I didn’t manage to reproduce the text colour issue earlier, but I believe I understood how to prevent it from happening; @malevolent: Would you be able to test the changes in Context view rendering DPI improvements (!91) · Merge requests · Multimedia / Amarok · GitLab and confirm if the context applet header text colours (attached screenshot) are correct on your system, too?

weird, I cannot add items from my library to the playlist so, I cannot see the changes you did
The branch I’ve tested is
And this is the look I see, but as said, it does nothing when click on “add to playlist button”

I said nothing…

The items are added to the playlist, is just I cannot see many controls

but the music is playing

Okay, thank you for testing, that’s quite surprising. The empty context browser could probably happen due to some qml errors, but the fact that there are also other things left unrendered suggests something deeper (especially since I haven’t changed anything that should alter display of those items); maybe mismatch of resource installation path.

If you start amarok from console with amarok --debug, you should get (plenty of) output. There might be some relevant warnings or errors among it.

Or actually, looking closer at the playlist: Seems like the playlist layout is empty, as there are a number of blank lines visible in the upper part of the playlist (tested myself, looks like that when I create a totally empty playlist layout).
So the default playlist layout data file has not been found, as haven’t context applet qml files and play control icons. I suspect that’s a case of path mismatch (e.g. data files have been installed to /usr/share/, but there’s two different versions of amarok binary, one in /usr/bin and a previous one in /usr/local/bin, which doesn’t find the data in /usr/share).

You have the debug output here:

There are a lot of

amarok: [ERROR__] Unable to open file:  ""
amarok: [SvgHandler] Bluddy 'ell mateys, aye canna' load ya Ess Vee Gee at  ""
QFSFileEngine::open: No file name specified

I don’t know what is that Bluddy 'ell mateys, aye canna' load ya Ess Vee Gee at , and I dind a find to see if it is a song or something, but it doesn’t find any result

Heh, seems to be an error message from SvgHandler.cpp, from 15 years ago: I had totally forgotten about this. Awesome though. Make it totally... (6525ae05) · Commits · Multimedia / Amarok · GitLab
It’s interesting that the filename printed by that error is empty. Not quite sure why’s that, but might not be relevant.

This one’s pretty clear, however:
amarok: BEGIN: Playlist::LayoutManager::LayoutManager()
amarok: BEGIN: void Playlist::LayoutManager::loadLayouts(const QString&, bool)
amarok: file “/usr/share/amarok/data/DefaultPlaylistLayouts.xml” does not exist

If such file does actually exist, then it’s some problem with accessing filesystem. If it doesn’t, then the data files have probably been installed elsewhere (/usr/local/share perhaps) and only the amarok binary is in /usr/bin

On how to fix, maybe trying sudo make uninstall in build dir, then something like

sudo rm /usr/bin/amarok
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/amarok
sudo rm `which amarok`

and then trying compiling again with clean build dir, mkdir amarok-build-new && cd amarok-build-new && cmake ../amarok -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kf5-config --prefix` && make && sudo make install could do the trick

Much better now

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Great to hear, thank you for testing! Label colours seem to be ok, so merged the changes to master just now. 3.0 shouldn’t be far away now.

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