Another shoutout to KDE developers

I’ve been using KDE for years now, and although I’ve tried other desktops, for me they just don’t fit my workstyle.

I’m currently using Arch after using openSUSE for, oh, 10 years or so. I recently changed my wife’s desktop to Arch and have been pleased with this distro.

Today, I was researching a setting on her machine and went through all the settings I could find. All of a sudden I found the long absent and sorely missed cube feature! Could it be? A quick click and keypress showed it truly is back and working! Those actions were quickly made on my machine and it truly made my day!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! It is THE major eye candy that really annoys the Windows users who visit me, and I just love it!

I remember the announcement when it was removed and the turmoil that resulted. It was obviously a huge amount of work to re-include it, and I can appreciate what it took. That it was done is a real example of the commitment to users of KDE made by the contributors of the code.

So, hats off to you guys!
