Any way to "whitelist" Keepassxc?

Hello World,
[please keep in mind I am a newb when it comes to Linux]

I started asking about this issue

Is there any way to “whitelist” keepassxc or something so I won’t get the prompt below almost every time I try to use the auto-type feature?Especially since often times clicking share will freeze my system for 30 secs or so… :cry:


on the forums of my distro EndeavourOS(which is arch linux).

They sent me to the github for keepassxc where those nice peeps linked me to a similar post they had about this issue(search failed me) that said:

Auto-Type will be disabled when run with a Wayland compositor on Linux. To use Auto-Type in this environment, you must set QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb or start KeePassXC with the -platform xcb command-line flag.

I replied that I already have that set in the desktop file and offered the pic below asking if I did anything wrong/there is anything else I need to add.

To which they replied that that pic is not from keepassxc but from KDE and that I should come ask here.

So here I am, any suggestions pretty please?

Thank you.

P.S. 2 posts cause new users are not allowed to bla bla bla, sorry…

The “that pic is not from keepassxc but from KDE” line is a bit unintentionally funny…a bit like saying you’re looking at the app on a Dell monitor, so you should ask Dell!

Regardless of that, I don’t know anything personally about KeePassXC, but one thing to note - the file you’re editing is in a directory that’s normally owned by the “root” account. I looks in your screenshot like you hadn’t saved changes yet - and you may not be able to unless you are somehow running Kate as the root account, instead of as your regular user account (which is a bad idea).

To make the change you’re looking for to KeePassXC’s startup command line, you might need to copy the file you’re editing in that screenshot out of /usr/share/applications/ and into /home/[your username]/.local/share/applications/ - then you can easily edit the copy that’s the latter directory and make any changes needed.

Hope at least some of that helps!

The “trick” with Kate is you not even need to run it as root, it will automatically ask you to enter your root/sudo password if you have to save something that can’t saved otherwise.

If KeePassXC is set to autostart I would open the KDE settings go to the “Autostart” section, open the properties for the autostarted KeePassXC and add -platform xcb to the Program arguments there (just to make sure it gets added to the correct place for sure).

But I don’t use KeePassXC systemwide just for my Web-browsers (with additional KeePassXC plugins) so do not need that -platform xcb myself and can’t confirm if it actually works.

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where is the original link in the EndeavourOS forum? I just want to see if there is any more info on what you are tying to do.

Ah crap, I knew I should have used a different pic, sorry, my bad. :frowning_face:

No, no, no, you guys are missunderstanding I’ve had the highlighted part in there since forever and it still doesn’t work, the * you see in kate that shows I haven’t saved is from something else that I modified, then I took the screenshot, then I saved and closed.
I have no issue modifiying and saving stuff, since I am the only user of this pc so I don’t need/use any extra accounts. I have a password that I get asked to enter when doing stuff like that and that’s enough, so no problem there.

Also keepassxc is not set to autostart, I don’t want, that just to open and close it whenever I wish.

You won’t learn anything more @jjgalvez from my thread on the EndeavourOS forums, but if you wish to view it anyway here (forumDOTendeavourosDOTcom/t/any-way-to-whitelist-keepassxc/59188) it is.
The only extra thing I could add that I haven’t mentioned here is that when I initially search the EndeavourOS forums I did find another thread with someone who had this problem and he managed to fix it by

But that doesn’t apply to me as atm I have an older motherboard that doesn’t have TPM 2.0. :cry:

Anyway, if you want to read over his thread too here you go. (forumDOTendeavourosDOTcom/t/kde-remote-controle-request-stucks/58250/3)

@VIKINGS Sorry I just checked keepassXC on my set up and I don’t even have autotype as a feature. I always just used the browser integration wen I used it.

And you won’t get autotype if you are using wayland untill you add that argument to the desktop file, as per:

Well, no not fully. The Archwiki link you provided (unless someone edited it the last Hour) clearly states:
You can set that argument. However, native Wayland applications will not work…
No Autotype with native Wayland apps, with or without that argument. Only X11 apps on Wayland may work, probably a Wayland security feature with no easy way around. Don’t know if what you are trying to do uses a Wayland app on Wayland or not, though.

I’m trying to use it with the Brave browser, specifically brave-bin 1:1.69.162-1 from the AUR repository is what I have installed. Is that native wayland?

The KeepassXC-Browser Extension from the Chrome webstore, or whatever “store” Brave uses for its add-ons, is installed the Browser integration to brave enabled in the KeepassXC settings and the Database connected from the Extension?
If that is the case that kind of Autotype should not be necessary anymore. (However the Brave add-on had some json file mislocating issues that maybe have to manually resolved first.)

Hmmm and is there no way to get auto-type working without browser extensions?
Didn’t need them in windows after all and I don’t really like the idea of having to use em in Linux.

The Browser extension is fully open-source and from the same people that make KeepassXC, Github linked in my last post. (If you not accidentality install a fake one I would not see that extreme risk)

Yeah, but the problem is control… :fearful:
With an app that is locally installed on my system, that I decide when to update, that is behind a firewall, etc., I have pretty much total control over that.

But with an extension that does what it wants, when it wants, without me even knowing about it… :cold_sweat:

Simple example(not sure if it’s the best one but still), sure today it’s made by the same people that make keepass but what if they sold keepass tomorrow?
As long as I don’t manually update the desktop app that wouldn’t effect me. But the extension could run whatever code it wants from those new people without me having a clue! :scream:

P.S. And to be clear I’m not this paranoid about security with everything I do, but when it comes to something that stores the passwords of literally everything I do/I am online, hell yeah with that I reserve the right to be as crazy paranoid as I want… :wink:

You can’t set Brave to not automatically update Add-ons?
At least with Firefox, and the flavor of it I use, single ones or all can be set to (only) update manually.

I don’t believe you can, no. Unless there is some setting buried deep in submenus somewhere that I’ve missed.

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Blocking extension updates is not a feature of either Brave or upstream Chrome/Chromium. The Brave developers offer a couple of hacky solutions in the open GitHub issue tracker item for this topic:

Ok, I’ll try some of the methods listed there for the few other extensions that I do use and see if they work, thank you very much for the link.

But I would still want/like/appreciate if we could find a fix for my problem without having to use an extension, just the regular keepassxc program.

Just did a very short (only on the surface) test.

The Archwiki entry about KeepassXC is not correct (anymore) as it for example says Firefox is a X11 application. My current installed Firefox is native Wayland for sure. Brave on the other hand runs per default as a X11 application using XWayland (on Wayland), can be set to native Wayland or forced to X11 by:

But that will not help as the KeepassXC documentation itself states:
Warning: Auto-Type will be disabled when run with a Wayland compositor on Linux Period
Only solution for Auto-type that I see, ditch Wayland (and all its security features) and run a complete X11session and KeepassXC with the mentioned command-line flag.

:sob: :sob: :sob: In that case guess I’ll re-learn to live without auto-type.
At least untill I finish buying my new hardware and upgrade my pc, if the new motherboard has TPM 2.0 maybe selecting it in bios will work for me too like it apparently worked for the other guy on the EndeavourOS forums…

Anyway, thank you for all the help everyone.