AppImage and SWH-Plugins

Does anyone know how to use the SWH plugins with a Kdenlive AppImage?

The problem is solved! It is quite easy to unpack an AppImage:
./[NAME] --appimage-extract
./kdenlive-24.08.2-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract
This creates a folder, named: squashfs-root
You can insert the necessary plugins in: squashfs-root/usr/lib/ladspa/
I take the required from the installed plugins in: /usr/lib/ladspa/
@emohr helped me with this.

Then I turn the squashfs-root back into an AppImage with the command:
(Of course, appimagetool must be installed first)
appimagetool squashfs-root
Then the required plugins are integrated in the AppImage. This is really very simple.