@Herzenschein, not integrating with a scanner is a pain if you have a few hundred books to file. I’ve been looking for the same kind of application that @Pacifist3 is, and didn’t settle on Tellico for the that reason. It’s also a shame that it’s solely for non-mobile OSes, since I’m more likely to want to file a book with my smartphone when I find it, instead of going to my PC.
Did you manage it? If so, how? I’ve got some Middle English (Germanesque) books from a few hundred years ago, and I have no idea where to start.
Edit: Just wanted to say this app is pretty nice. I haven’t figured out the webcam thing yet, but the app seems like a serviceable replacement for Libib. I wish their was some sort of Android app integration, but I can live without it I guess.
I’ve added the existing app ideas from the wiki to the issue tracker and removed the contents from the wiki. It will eventually just point to the issue tracker instead.