Audio muting while using Kdenlive

Hi all,

For some strange reason, the preview audio in Kdenlive turns off for me after being on for about two minutes.

When I run the program out of the terminal, I see that this error message shows right before the audio turns off:

MLT: "[consumer sdl2_audio ] SDL failed to open audio"

I’m running Arch with the latest version of Kdenlive (24.12.1) along with wireplumber. Everything is up to date.

This started about three days ago, and I’m not sure what caused it.

I’ve gone through every forum post I can find, as well as a guide that recommended choosing a specific audio driver in the settings, as well as the troubleshooting guide on the Kdenlive website — all to no avail. My mlt installation is up to date and works, SDL is correctly installed, all other programs play audio with no issues, and removing kdenliverc does nothing.

I will note that the Configure Kdenlive menu stalls a little bit before opening, which tells me that there might be some sort of conflict somewhere.

This is only a problem with Kdenlive. No other programs are affected.

Please let me know if you have any insights on what I can do to solve this. As it stands, I have to exit Kdenlive every 2 minutes or so and reenter to restore audio. Restarting the computer, updating the operating system, and all other general troubleshooting steps have not solved the problem.

Thank you!

That means the call to sdl2_open_audio() in MLT failed …

Which would seem to indicate a problem on the system side, as would it ‘mysteriously first happening a couple of days ago’ …

I’d be looking at what else you’re running that might be competing for your audio device.

[And if you’re not already, I’d be testing this with the appimage to rule out problems in whatever other package you might be using.]


I uninstalled the AUR version of Kdenlive yesterday and installed the Snap Store version instead, which I think is on an earlier version. The audio works normally now.

I’m still not certain what caused this.

I met this question too.

Same here. Also using wireplumber on Arch.
Audio works fine until “something happens”
I can reproduce it by simply switching from the “editing” tab to the “audio” tab (on the top right).
I am very new to the program so I can’t say for sure this was due to a recent update like OP.
Thank you.

Well, the OP confirmed the problem went away when they stopped using the Arch package … and the people here don’t maintain the Arch package.

If you have this problem with the Appimage, it’s something we should investigate. If you don’t you’ll need to talk to the Arch packager (or just use the Appimage …)

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Thanks a lot @Ron , totally makes sense and I can confirm (at least from the initial first 2 minutes of usage) I cannot replicate the issue with the AppImage. Will raise the issue with the package maintainer! thanks a lot for the quick response.

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