Audio recording not possible

Hi all,
I’m working with the Version 24.02.1 on Ubuntu 23.10 (Flatpak installation) and have a problem with the audio recording functionality.
Well - it just does not find my microphone:

I also installed Kdenlive by the default Ubuntu resources as I assumed, that Flatpak is the problem - but with the same behavior.

As as as I can remember, this worked fine in the past (other system, older version) without any additional installations…

For now, we just use an other sound recorder outside Kdenlive, i.e. the microphone device on my Ubuntu works fine.

So: what “audio-modules” are meant?
what are the prerequisites for audio recording?

Hi, and welcome to the forum and community.

In the Release Notes it was stated that audio recording had to be switched off temporarily due to some issues with the migration to Qt6.

Sorry for overseeing this - thank you for the fast answer :slight_smile:

No worries, mate! You are not the first one not reading the RNs :wink: