Audiotube - File Location

I am a arch user an recently changed from using the arch version of audiotube to the flatpak since some things on the aur are a bit to new, I was wondering where the favorites an playlists text/config files are stored so I can copy them over to the flatpak version.


For the non-flatpak version, the database is stored in ~/.local/share/KDE/audiotube/, and for the flatpak version it is in ~/.var/app/org.kde.audiotube/data/KDE/audiotube/.

If you have lots of songs in your library, then it can take a while to download all the album covers again. If you want to avoid that, you can also copy ~/.cache/KDE/audiotube/thumbnails/ to ~/.var/app/org.kde.audiotube/cache/KDE/audiotube/thumbnails/


Thank you so much!