Auto beats feature similar to CapCut

is it possible to have Auto beats feature in Kdenlive? I know the most focus for this year is improving the workflow.
Just wondering if it’s possible.

Hi, and welcome to the forum and community.

I think everything’s possible if you have enough resources (ppl and $$). You can create a wish list bug report ( and describe exactly what you would like to have this auto-beats feature to be or do. Whether or not this gets implemented is an open question.

Donations can help to fund outsourcing work on features. See the latest fundraiser report for some examples what the funds were used for.

And of course, developers who want to contribute to this project can always pick up things on the wish list :wink:

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For the record. Here are two libraries which can do that:

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I’ll donate when I have a chance.
Thanks for welcoming me.:blush:

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