Hi I have tried to configure autologin (trough sddm) and auto openning of kwallet.
I have tried it with 2 device one is on Tuxedo OS the other is on KDE Neon Testing.
plasma-desktop 6.1.3
libpam-kwallet-common 6.1.3
sddm 0.21.0-2
I have the libpam-kwallet5 and libpam-kwallet6 installed.
Autologin is configured trough systemsettings and know works. It was a pain tough because in systemsettings the configuration seems not to be taking account and the fields stays empty but the file in /etc/sddm.conf.d/kde_settings.conf was update. That didn’t work yet I had to rm a kde_settings.conf.dist-pkg (not exacty sure) file.
The problem is more with the kwallet authentication. I have create/recreate the kdewallet wallet making sure it use blowfish (btw how can we verify it use blowfish after?). I rm them from ~/.local/share/kwalletd/ , I didn’t an other way, trough gui, to delete it. The password of kdewallet is the same than my login account.
I have tried some configuration from Arch wiki , in particular by adding line to /etc/pam.d/sddm-autologin (it is the file use by pam/sddm when autologin is configure, right?):
# gnome_keyring breaks QProcess
-auth optional pam_gnome_keyring.so
-auth optional pam_kwallet5.so
-session optional pam_gnome_keyring.so auto_start
-session optional pam_kwallet5.so auto_start
(has a side question I was not sure of the pam syntax what is the leading “-” for? should I let them or remove them in the config?)
But I am not sure if this apply to ubuntu/debian. The wiki mentioned pam_autologin.so wich is not part of debian/ubuntu so I don’t know what is applicable or not.
It let me question whether it is possible or not to have autologin and kwallet autoopening wallet or maybe it is buggy in kde6.
I ended up putting a blank password in kwallet for the default kdewallet wallet.
What is the proper way to configure that in Ubuntu/TuxedoOs/Neon?