From the other topic you mentioned:
I think this is a real concern. Imagine you’ve got a 2x1 layout and you’re opening a new window on VD row 1, column 2, so a new VD is created. Now the row layout changes to 2x2.
Do we auto-create two new VDs instead of one, so you can at least navigate down in one go instead of one left, one down? Is it confusing that one time you get one new VD, another time you get two or three? Won’t it be confusing if one expansion means the next VD is on the right, but another expansion means there’s nothing new on the right (at best, you roll over to column 1?) and instead you have to navigate down to get to your new space?
I don’t know, I can’t see a way to make this happen that’s actually intuitive. Maybe someone else is more creative.