Backward search from Okular to Kile works only once per window instance

Hi all,

I’d like to ask any Kile users out there to confirm whether the backward search from Okular to a LaTeX source file works for them more than once per Kile instance.

If I click a LaTeX-generated PDF with Kile closed, Kile will open at the correct line the first time I click. All subsequent backward-search clicks are ignored, however, until I close Kile (the whole application, not just the .tex file) and open it again.

I think it’s a Kile problem, as using the command line to open a .tex file manually with the “–line” option will also work only once per open window and then the option will be ignored.

I think this issue started with the upgrade to Plasma 6; I’m pretty sure (but not 100%) it was working OK before. I’m currently on version 2.9.94 of Kile.

If someone can please confirm this behaviour, then I’ll go ahead and file a bug.

I have seen slightly different behaviour since upgrading to KDE 6. Backward search takes me to the latex file in Kile but not to the corresponding line, it only opens up/focuses the .tex file in Kile. Inverse search works as expected with the Kile built-in viewer, and with Kate.