Baloo File Extractor Constantly Crashes

Hello there!

Since approximately last week, I’ve been encountering an issue when booting up my KDE Neon install where my taskbar will get spammed with “Baloo File Extractor has crashed” notifications, as seen in the attached image.

Based on previous reporting of similar issues in other Linux distros, I attempted the following commands:
balooctl6 disable && balooctl6 purge && balooctl6 enable

The first two executed as expected - the third resulted in some odd behaviour which I’m not able to figure out.

First, it gives me:

KCrash: Application 'baloo_file_extractor' crashing... crashRecursionCounter = 2  
kf.baloo: Extractor crashed  
kf.idletime: Could not find any system poller plugin  
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect(KAbstractIdleTimePoller, KIdleTime): invalid nullptr parameter  
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect(KAbstractIdleTimePoller, KIdleTime): invalid nullptr parameter  
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairRequested(QString) in ./src/solid/devices/frontend/storageaccess.cpp:23  
qt.core.qobject.connect: QObject::connect: No such signal Solid::Backends::Fstab::FstabStorageAccess::repairDone(Solid::ErrorType, QVariant, QString) in ./src/solid/devices/frontend/storageaccess.cpp:24

This is followed by twenty or thirty (inconsistent) repetitions of:
QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (-1),
and then that first code block a few times in a row.

It alternates between these two for while, and then gives me a new error:

kf.filemetadata: Could not create Extractor: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/plugins/kf6/kfilemetadata/"
kf.filemetadata: "Cannot load library /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt6/plugins/kf6/kfilemetadata/ /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: _ZNKSt7__cxx1115basic_stringbufIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE12_M_high_markEv"
qt.gui.imageio: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
"Error: Invalid least number of objects reading page offset hints table"

Now, while all this is going on, I’ve been watching balooctl6 monitor in a separate tab, and it seems like everything is fine from that end - it is processing files, those files are returning Ok, it’s running - but it’s still spamming out my taskbar.

The easy answer would be to just disable the notifications for crashing, since it seems like it’s still operating despite crashing, but I’d like to figure out why exactly it’s giving these errors, in case it’s a sign of some other bad stuff going on.

Thanks in advance for any help, and please let me know if there’s any other information I can provide!

There was a cleanup change Merge request 192 that was a bit enthusiastic.

The discovery is here Bug 487628 and “moment of realisation”, here Note 959092.

It ha just been reverted in Merge Request 200. You don’t say what disto you are using, it sounds like a bit cutting edge :slight_smile:

As per my original post, I am using KDE Neon, and for more context I am using the Stable Edition.

Thanks for the links, that does explain this whole thing!

… for more context I am using the Stable Edition …

Looks like we didn’t catch the bug quickly enough then!