Become a Plasma 6 Supporter!

Plasma 6 is coming in February 2024. Support KDE with an official membership and your name will be recorded in the release of our brand new desktop environment.


From my early testing Plasma 6 looks really cool already!

How to Become a Supporter

Fill out the form above

Note that if you view the site using a mobile phone the form is on the bottom.

Our aim is to sign on 500 new supporters within the next 4 months for before Plasma 6 launches in February.

Lets go! One down, 499 to go!


Thank you so much! It really helps.

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with me it’s now 498 to go :wink:

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For me the donation box is in Polish (?), while the rest of the site is in English. Language is set to English. :thinking:

edit: okay, the box is in English today :smiley:

Also, does this mean is being sunsetted?

It will be sunsetted, yes.

Anything I need to do or will my membership (and PayPal payments) just carry over?

I believe you’ll have to manually sign up for the new thing once the old thing is removed. This hasn’t been communicated yet, but will be. If you wanna get a jump on it, you can migrate now. :slight_smile:

Well, my yearly donation was just this month. :sweat_smile:
Guess I will be awaiting migration news soon (hopefully). :smiley:

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Up you go thread!

28% (142 Members) already achieved! Lets go people, lets make this 100%!


Today, Dec 5: 86% (430 members)


Dec 20: 96% (480 members)

Maybe can reach 500 members before end of year, and 50 or 100 more members before release of Plasma 6


Dec 24: 78% (504 members)


Thanks to your generosity, we now have the funds to take on the launch of Plasma 6 and all the challenges that come with it.

But having the funds to get Plasma 6 out the door is just the beginning…

Today, we are adding two stretch goals that will allow us not only to get Plasma 6 onto your machine, but also to help it reach a much wider audience, well beyond the FLOSS-o-sphere.

In our first stretch goal, we want to add 50 new Supporting Members by New Year’s Eve. This will allow us count on enough funds to commission artwork and design from professional artists, and ensure new and beautiful wallpapers, websites, logos, and icons for Plasma 6’s first year of life.

Our second stretch goal is even more ambitious and aims to add 100 more members and give us the means to fund the upkeep of all the infrastructure and resources for developers and external communications. This covers a wide range of things, from paying the rent for the servers used for development and internal communication among community members, to designing and maintaining public websites, forums, communication with the media, creating merchandise, promotion at non-FLOSS events, and more. Our deadline for this second stretch goal is the launch date of Plasma 6 on February 28, 2024.


Congrats on the 500 supporters ! Wouldn’t it better to do like the crowdfunding websites where the goal is over 100% ?

Dec 29: 85% (551 members)


Thanks to your generosity, we now have the funds to take on the launch of Plasma 6 and all the challenges that come with it, as well as count on enough funds to commission artwork and designs from professional artists, ensuring new and beautiful wallpapers, websites, logos, and icons for Plasma 6’s first year of life.

Our next objective, when reached, will help us take Plasma 6 and all other KDE software to a much wider audience, well beyond the FLOSS-o-sphere.

Our second stretch goal aims to add 100 more members and give us the means to fund the upkeep of all the infrastructure and resources for developers and external communications. This covers a wide range of things, from paying the rent for the servers used for development and internal communication among community members, to designing and maintaining public websites, forums, communication with the media, creating merchandise, promotion at non-FLOSS events, and more. Our deadline for this second stretch goal is the launch date of Plasma 6 on February 28, 2024.


Jan 9: 92% (601 members)

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Jan 13: 98% (634 members)

Jan 16: 100% (652 members)
42 days 16 hours left until launch

Jan 23: 104% (678 members)

Mission completed!..

… Or is it? Seeking support for a complex and large organization like KDE is a task that never ends.

As a non-profit, KDE cannot accumulate wealth, so all the money we raise immediately goes into providing for our community.

When a contributor does not have the means to travel to Akademy or sprint to work with their colleagues, your donation allows them to make it to those important meetings.

When a developer needs time off from their day job to push forward with vital features for their app or project, your support gives them the means to buy that time.

When an app becomes popular, the more responsibility its contributors have to more users to keep it updated, safe and properly documented. Your own contribution gives them the means to help everybody.

The more donations we get from you, the easier it becomes to develop software at our own rate, favour individuals (like you) and your community, promote technological sovereignty, and built in tools to protect your personal privacy.

What we are saying is we are not done. We will be leaving this page open, allowing everybody to contribute and guarantee KDE’s survival, growth and independence.

All those who contribute through the Membership program will be honoured with a mention in Plasma 6 itself. May your name live on long in Plasma 6.

Thank you

– The KDE Community