plasma-systemmonitor (System Monitor) in Kali shows information in black text on a dark background. Kali uses Gnome and has two themes, dark and dark and some white. With both, the text is not visible in the monitor. What can be done to make it visible? I would happily set up a white theme like in Ubuntu if I knew how.
I’m writing here because a bug report sent me here. Maybe it’s not a monitor bug.
This is likely an issue with running a plasma system monitor on Gnome - strange choice.
On Plasma, I 'd suggest you look at the colour scheme editor, but with Gnome I’d suggest the Gnome system monitor.
You’re using a qt on a gtk. Especially a system monitor is a weird choice. Anyway, you might wanna have a look at either qt5ct or qt6ct. It’s all well documented. Stuff like: