Black Login Screen (Previous Solution No Longer Works)

I’m on the latest version of Plasma 5 on X11 with Kubuntu 24.04. I just updated my computer, rebooted, and my login screen is completely black, with no prompts, and only my mouse cursor is visible (and movable). I’ve seen this issue pop up many times the in the past with the two solutions as workarounds to some bug:

Solution 1

sudo nano /etc/default/grub
# <becomes>
# <then save/exit>
sudo update-grub

Solution 2

sudo apt autoremove
sudo pkcon refresh
sudo pkcon install libdecor-0-0
sudo pkcon install libsdl2-2.0-0
sudo pkcon install plasma-desktop
sudo pkcon install plasma-desktop-data
sudo reboot

Neither solution is working for me. Am I left to wipe the computer and reinstall? It seems like I have no other options.

welcome, please post your system info.

if you are trying to alter the grub file you must remove the “#” characters at the beginning of the line for it be read.

and i don’t know if matters but mine always uses " for quotes, and not ’ as you have shown.

removing the “splash” parameter from the kernel call can sometimes help when you boot to a black screen, due to some timing issues (apparently) when 24.04 was first released, but that has since been fixed afaik.

My system is Kubuntu 24.04 with X11, KDE Plasma 5.x. The # never existed in my grub file but thanks for pointing that out, since it wasn’t understood. Any other ideas? The issue persists.

when you have the mouse on the screen, if you type Alf+F2 do you get a krunner search box or nothing at all?

if that didn’t work, can you hit ctrl+alt+F4 to get a tty terminal on the screen?

in the future, click on the desktop, type “about”, open the settings page from the search results, copy the details from the window and paste them here… this will contain the standard set of details most often needed to help diagnose an issue.

also in the bios you should be able to use the search feature and bring up a result for the word “boot” to make sure you have disabled everything

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