Can I apply blur selectively?

Hello World,

Is there any way please to apply blue only to certain windows/parts of the OS?

I’ve changed distros(kinda sadly so far…) and am currently on Fedora 41 using the plasma style from the Se7en Aero theme and have everything fully transparent and as you can see in this first pic while on the desktop everything looks great!

However once you have something behind it, like a website with text and stuff using/seeing the start menu becomes much harder, like you can observe in this pic:

So is there any way to decide where and how blur is applied? Because ideally I’d love for the taskbar to remain like in the pics above, but I’d like other stuff like the start menu, or notifications, or rectangles that appears when you hover over stuff, etc.(basically I think everything except the taskbar) to look more like in did on my old EndeavourOS(that is arch based) as you can see in the pic below:

Thank you very much, let me know if you need any other info.