Can we get a weather widget that actually &*%^$#@# works?

I note that Kodi, the media app, has a weather widget that works perfectly on Linux and Android.

I live in Jacksonville, FL. I was using data from Jax International Airport-NOAA which was pretty good. Inexplicably, that data point has been removed in an update. I am left with wetter which does not display the temperature, rendering it useless, and BBC which is inaccurate and without forecast information.

I have been doing this since Redhat 7.x. Back in the day I used Yahoo weather which is, apparently, no longer available. Enough! This is ridiculous.

You mean like Condensed Weather? It has been reworked to work with Plasma 6 for at least a month now.

I confirm, BBC weather and that wetter com give random information that is totally wrong also in the region of North Africa.

Are you using the KWeather plugin or Weather Report? In Plasma 6 I’ve had to use Weather Report, which uses the (I believe deprecated) DataEngine plugins. I’ve noticed in particular that the NOAA plugin will occasionally crash, leading to any results using their API to disappear.

KWeather uses KWeatherCore, which so far has been more accurate and stable for me. The “kweather_1x4” widget isn’t compatible with Plasma 6 though, so for now I’ve only been test with the application itself.

I wonder if it’d be worthwhile to add KWeatherCore functionality to Weather Report, for consistency’s sake. I don’t think there’s a direct migration path from the user perspective, though…

You already submitted a bug report about this that had developer activity on it.

Take a deep breath and calm down.