Cannot delete with Dolphin in Windows

I would like to take with me my Linux programs when it happens to boot into Windows. But I get this error when trying to delete a file in Dolphin:

Unable to create KIO worker. Can not find 'kioworker' executable at 'C:/Program Files/Dolphin/bin, C:/Program Files/Dolphin/bin/bin, C:/Program Files/Dolphin/bin/bin/kf6, C:/Program Files/Dolphin/bin/libexec/kf6, C:/gitlab/craft/windows-msvc2022_64-cl/bin'

It is version 24.04.70 from Index of /ci-builds/system/dolphin/master/windows

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I am having the same issue.
Did you find any fix ?

Have you tried previous versions?

Could you check if in C:/Program Files/Dolphin/bin/libexec and :/gitlab/craft/windows-msvc2022_64-cl/bin in one of the subfolders there is a kioworker executable file ?

kioworker exists in the directory Dolphin/bin/
Version: dolphin-master-4131-windows-cl-msvc2022-x86_64
Deleting to trash doesn’t work.

I can see your dolphin is installed on D:\ drive when dolphin tries to load from C:\…

That’s a bug, and explain why it is uncommon.

Moving Dolphin to C:\Program Files\Dolphin\bin did not solve the problem.

I would encourage you to report the bug, as it might explain the same and potentially other misbehavior for Windows users.

I’ve done it before: show_bug.cgi?id=489062
But it seems to me that developers ignore bug reports in Windows builds.

Thanks, 489062 – "Move to Trash" doesn't work

I am dolphin-comaintainer (we are 2) and have no Windows at home like most KDE devs.

That’s the main reason windows bugs are not fixed quickly if at all. Few developers want to have a separate OS to develop. Windows support is not great indeed and that won’t change until a volunteer focuses on it, or someone get hired to do that or something.

Reporting those issues, let us know we have users eager to have better Windows support and letting us know where dolphin falls short and need improving, that’s really time saving and the prerequisite for improvements.

I do want to improve on this, but simply lack the time, after all the biggest user-potential for dolphin is Windows users, and there is no real technical hurdles just many things to adjust and test.

Dolphin builds for Windows have different problems, but the inability to delete to the recycle garbage can is the most critical, the only one that makes it impossible to use Dolphin.

There is another critical bug: if an open folder is unmounted - Dolphin stops working. But I don’t see the point of writing an report the bug. The last time a bug report about not being able to delete to the recycle garbage can, it was closed only after a few years. If it takes so long to at least temporarily resolve the most critical bug, there is no point in reporting smaller bugs.

When I need to test or fix something for another operating system, I use a virtual machine.

The standard Explorer in Windows 11 is very slow and inconvenient. The alternatives I have tried (Directory Opus and Tablacus Explorer) have different major drawbacks. Dolphin for Windows is the fastest and one of the most user-friendly programs in its class. But I don’t think anyone will be using it unless it has the basic functionality of deleting to the recycle garbage can.

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Few reasons why it is bad:

  • Small bugs are usually easier to fix, and so easier for a new contributor to work on. And those will eventually be able to tackle any bug.
  • Other users won’t have a way to know whether it is a bug someone encountered and they can add a comment. It is easier to comment an existing bug than to create a new one.
  • Devs can see engaged users on the platform and that’s an incentive to focus some time on it.

The bug we usually fixed in priority are the most critical ones and with the most comments and/or duplicates on bugzilla. We have no other way to know where our attention is most needed to make good use of our volunteer free time…

So you know how a pain it is. Especially with the current Wayland support of VM apps (that’s improving in latest virtualbox IIRC).
That’s how I would do it still.

I do understand and expect all users to act the same.
I also think dolphin could fit well for many Windows users with some work.

Update: the bug report is a duplicate of 441218 – Move to Trash not work on Windows

Although “delete permanently” (shift+delete) works ok