Cannot play MP4 Videos in Digikam

Hi! I’m using Digikam in Arch Linux, when using package from yay I can’t watch MP4 videos, the app tells that there is a problem with file, in terminal the error is “Codec h264_cuvid not supported”. Using digikam appimage works but it’s slow. I’m using in a laptop with a GeForce MX150 and proprietary drivers. Thank you!

Does any other video/multimedia player like mpv or vlc play the video (in decent enough speed)?

According to the Nvidia cheat sheet the MX150 does not provide h264 support directly (hardware accelerated) or for any other video format.

My guess would be that a software codec is missing, and the appimage has one build in, but I don’t know what codec Digikams Player would use.

The Archwiki lists x264 as the only h264 codec but x264 claims to be an encoder and a Player would need a decoder(?)

If you are extremely lucky one of the two above mentioned players adds a codec, either directly or through a dependency, that Digikam can use. If not I would try (read: at your own risk) and add FFMPEG and GStreamer to see if one of those provide a usable codec. But without hardware acceleration support I would not be sure if it is at the end really substantially faster than the appimage.

Thank you for reply! I think it is an error related to Qt, with the old versions of digikam I had no problems with videos, since the qt player for videos was introduced I can no longer play them (except using appimage). I can watch the same videos externally with any player, but it’s inconvenient not to be able to use the digikam interface for all operations! FFMPEG and GStreamer are already installed!

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