Can't create directory under cifs filesystem with backslash in name in Dolphin nor Krusader (works OK in shell)

I have remote filesystem mounted using cifs like this (/etc/fstab):

//remote_host.local/storage /mnt/remote/ cifs _netdev,credentials=/home/piotr/.config/cifs-credentials.conf,uid=piotr,gid=piotr,user 0 0

I can create directory under this filesystem containing backslash in shell without problems:

me@host:/mnt/remote$ mkdir "a\b"
me@host:/mnt/remote$ ls

yet when I try to create the same directory in Krusader or Dolphin I get the error Could not make folder /mnt/remote/a\b.

Creating directory named a\b under local filesystem (btrfs) works OK both in shell and in Krusader and Dolphin.

Any ideas?