Changing wallpaper

One told me that it was to much hazzle to change backgound wallpaper in KDE PLasma. Most often people like to have the same wallpaper on the desktop, login screen and screen locking. I am thinking the same. Changing background on the desktop should automatically change login screen and screen locking by default. Any opinions?

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Lockscreen makes sense - set that to slideshow, and desktop too.

Not sure why that’s a hassle, whoever told you that probably doesn’t know much.

Also, the login screen is completely separate with individual settings - and I don’t think it’s reasonable to say that the login screen (which you only see if you log out/in again) and screen locking should be changed in tandem with the desktop (which you see most of the time).

So no - not an issue at all.

Most folks just turn on the computer and use it, so they don’t pay much attention to much more than the wallpaper anyway (I have a favourites folder with my favourite 1000 images, many tweaked/edited to my preference.

Remember, whilst you’re considering adding complications - KISS.

I can agree with you on the login screen actually. But the lock screen should absolutely follow the desktop wallpaper. Changing lock screen is also a bit hidden as it is now. Everything else is located under “Colours & Themes”

I have no idea, I despise navigating menu trees - so I would always find it via krunner or menu search ‘lock screen’.

Menus are always impossible to design ‘right’ (like finding your car keys, when you actually kept them in your pocket, notice they’re missing - then remember putting them down on the bedside table - then go searching the trousers you hung up yesterday - but realise you just put them in your trousers’ left pocket to avoid scratching your phone which was in the usual right pocket…).

It’s your personal preference, not “absolutely”. I actually like to have something else on my lock screen, different from my wallpaper. And I don’t see any issues with the way Plasma handles this.

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Yup, agreement from me:

  • I set my Lock Screen to Slideshow, changing the image every 30 seconds.
  • I set my Wallpaper to Slideshow, changing the image every hour.
  • I set a fixed image that suits my login screen best (slideshow wouldn’t work well for that).

It’s better IMO to keep them separate.

A couple of notes here, for what it’s worth:

There is an open feature request in the KDE Bugtracking System on this topic: 367666 – Add option to change wallpaper for lock screen, login screen, and desktop all at once - this looks like something that will just require someone with the time, ability and interest to jump in and figure out how to implement :slight_smile:

There is also, at least, a way to quickly change both the Desktop and Lock Screen wallpapers from a right-click context menu:


Yes, this is a very good solution.