Greetings Kleopatra community.
Is anyone up for creating a child of Kleopatra?
Would it be practical to create a de-featured version of Kleopatra sans encryption? From developers the reply might be; … Meh, (an evening remarking out source code?) “But Why?” you may ask.
I am an amateur radio operator and infrequent author. I am writing a rather lengthy article posing the question to the world community of amateur radio operators entitled; “Is there a role for encryption in ham radio?” The position of the article is, yes (of course), however despite broad use of encryption in all modern forms of digital communications, current regulations for ham radio in the US disallows any "…messages encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning… ". Therefor the article advocates for use of encryption to sign communications, as a tool to assure authenticity and integrity.
Not wanting to unleash the full capabilities of Kleopatra upon the amateur radio community while implementing digital signing under scrutiny of the Federal Communications Commission, being able to direct amateur operators to a ‘Sign/Verify’ only version (Kaesarion perhaps) would be ideal.
Is anyone up for creating a child of Kleopatra?
Regards, Jeff M.
J_miller42[the usual symbol]u.pacific[ d ot]edu